We are Borg
    Hi, welcome to the original 7/K page.  If you've visited us before you will notice that there have been several changes since the last time you were here.  To find out what's new, simply click on the link below.

    First, I'd like to tell you about my page.  When Voyager first started I wasn't a big fan, I preferred to watch DS9 until I saw blood fever.  At which point I began to enjoy it a little more because I'm a huge romantic.  From the moment I saw Seven of Nine, I was hooked.  She's great, even a little funny and she reminds me a little of myself. So she became my favorite character and I started to look for someone to pair her up with when she is ready.  Harry is the logical choice after all, how many guys would have turned Seven down.

    So, click on a link below to get started.
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