This page will contain a list of E-Mail addresses of Juventus supporters around the world with which you can talk, obtain information and exchange fan material or useful addresses

E-Mail me your e-mail addresses, your full names and country of residence TO APPEAR ON THIS PAGE.

Etay Manor - Israel

Marino M. Meggetto - Canada

Jeff Tavano - United States or go to his homepage

Mike Makonnen

Stefan Grech - Malta

Marco Vettorello - Germany

Carlo Zapolschi - Italy

Alessandro Angelone - Italy

Dennis Xuereb - Malta

Aviad Eliyahu - Israel

Stefano Russo - U.S.A.

North Carey - U.S.A.

Johnny Junior Moeller - Denmark

Einar Humlin - Sweden

Tony Villarini - U.S.A.

Roger Lilleler - Norway

Kristoffer Baglio - USA

Mark Coker - USA

Roger Flem - Norway

Juan Raul Gaudiano - Panama

Tomas Dalentoft - Sweden

Hengky Fasri - Indonesia

Thomas Engelsmann - Denmark

Rasmus Pihl - Sweden

Denis Viseur - Belgium

Ashwin Mungur - U.S.A.

Vinit Badlani - Hong Kong

Andrew Di Gati - U.S.A.

Francesco Baldini - Italy

Hiroko Takeda - Japan

I want to know your views and what you want to see in this page, and also contact Juventus supporters around the world, so E-Mail me.

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