Jon's Perth Marathon 2004 Photopage

There are only 2 ways 2 live!

South Perth Foreshore; just over 8km into race, settling into 4.40-4.50's with the pack of about 5 runners, that I would run with for the next 35-40min(9km-17km).
Crucial point in the race, as this bunch of runners was the perfect pace for me to hit the sub 5min 1km splits I wanted in the first half of the race, on my way to a small P.B. for the Half-Marathon.
I'm running on the grass to minimise the impact on my torn ACL knee (an injury I picked up in a basketball game in October 2000), while the rest of the runners follow the concrete path ribbon to the Narrows Bridge.
Busy sticking with the bunch,occasionally able to glance to my right (left of photo) and admire the Perth City Skyline, as the sunlight starts to bring a little warmth to this crisp morning which had kicked off at just under 1 degree Celsius....
Have a copy of the DVD from Alive and Kickingwhich shows some footage of the bunch and the drinks stop at the 13km mark....

Did a mini "breakaway" on the group I was running with at the 13km drinks stop at Como Beach Jetty.
Didn't want to lose them while I was finding my Gatorade at the drinks table......
They were running about 4.50's which was the perfect pace for me between the Narrows and Canning Bridges;

Back at Como Jetty again 33km mark this time, doing it pretty tough by this time...
Really keen for the gatorade and coke. The battle to keep going on to the end is in full swing by this stage...
Dropped down to about 5.40's about 3km after Canning Bridge on the way to Troy Park, then on to the turnaround, and then back to Canning Bridge.
Just after Canning Bridge on return at 31km is where I seized up a bit got stuck at about 6.30's per km---- see splits at bottom of race report page....

Finally getting a sub 6min km again alongside the Swan River, which for the last 10km (31km-41km) I had not been able to do....
More than 41km and nearly 4 hours of running later, going past one of the relay runners (they did 10-13km legs)on the left of the photo.
The finish at Burswood is finally in sight, and I know I am going to beat 4 hours.....
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Cycling every day(including a lot of UTG! night rides on my mountain-bike (see photo on left)), combined with a long run and a reps run session most weeks,
for 11 weeks gave me the necessary background to run the 2004 Perth Marathon in under 4 hours. Pretty happy after with the Marathon finishers medal...
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