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This is RobRoy's Cyber-Golf Home Page.

It features the use of Accolade's Jack Nicklaus 6 Golden Bear Challenge (JN6/GBC) golf course designer and my particular golf course designs.

My interest in golf course design began a number of years ago with the Jack Nicklaus Signature Edition (JNSE) game and course designer (G&D). I created eight JNSE course designs and published some of them on Compuserve's SPRTSIMS Forum and a few on AOL.

When JN4 was introduced, I converted four of my JNSE courses to this new environment but never published them. I also created one course with JN4. When the JN5 G&D became available, with the ability to design and include user created objects, I set about to learn all about this improved course design process. Lastly, GBC was released which updated/improved the game engine with only minor changes for the designer. The stock object selection was increased significantly and there is a compression program which creates a single COURSE file from all the detail files in the course folder.

I have also been trying to perfect the the art of object (trees, backgrounds, textures, etc) design. To create objects and perform any image modifications requires the use of a paint/image editing program. I started with version 3 of the Paint Shop Pro (PSP) paint program, moved to PSP version 4 and 5 and I am now using the latest, PSP version 6.

The process of GBC course design is much more complex and time consuming than working with JNSE's designer and I have resolved not to publish a GBC course until, in my estimation, it is done properly. I have created but not finished one new course in the JN5 medium. All of the JNSE and JN4 courses have been converted to JN5 and GBC. In total, there are currently ten GBC courses of my design in various stages of completion.

The golf courses that I have designed are:

Fictional Courses

Timber Valley Country Club (JN5) (GBC)
AceMeister's Kountry Klub (JNSE)
Sienna Hills Golf Course (JNSE)
Breakwater Junction Golf Course (JNSE)
Cape Cod Golf Course (JNSE)
Hingham Bay Golf Course (JNSE)

(these latter two were built using a geographic outline of the areas for a landplot)

Real Courses

South Shore Country Club (JNSE)(JN4)
Braintree Municipal Golf Course (JNSE)(JN4)(JN5)(GBC)
Squirrel Run Golf & Country Club (JN4)(JN5)
Foxy Oaks Golf Course (JNSE)(JN4)(JN5)
(Foxy Oaks contains two 9 hole courses joined to create one 18 hole course)

The above are considered original course designs for Accolade's JN5 Golf. This work is not to be sold or distributed for sale without permission. The course files may be distributed freely to bulletin board services and Internet sites, including those which charge subscription and usage fees as long as the only fees associated with the acquisition of the course by a board-user or net-user are those subscription fees and/or per-minute charges for the cost of download. This text file is considered an integral part of the course and must be distributed with the course files.

Last Updated: December 22, 1999