Silicon Valley Disc Golf Club

The Silicon Valley Disc Golf Club is the organizing group of players who are expanding the awareness of disc golf in Silicon Valley. We have installed the Coyote Creek Disc Golf course at Hellyer Park and are seeking to expand the number of golf courses in Silicon Valley.

This site contains early history of the club and first disc golf course. The primary site for the club is now at SVDCG.Org

Hot News

The Silicon Valley Disc Golf Club has received the recognition of the IRS as a 501c3 charitable organization. All contributions and donations to the club are tax deductible. The SVDGC's organization number for tax purposes is 770495181.

Notify the Silicon Valley Disc Golf Club via Email. if you would like to receive future newletters or join the club.

co-Founder, Jim Challas at Hole 12

Coyote Creek Disc Golf Course

The Coyote Creek Disc Golf Course consists of nine Mach III pole holes. Hellyer Park, south from San Jose, CA off Highway 101, is home to the new course. The nine holes reside east of Highway 101. Each hole has a front and back concrete tee pad which makes for a varied eighteen holes of play by playing the course once from the short tees and a second round from the long tees. Each hole has two to three different pin positions that are moved frequently, making the course slightly different every time you play. Holes 1 through 9 can be reached by parking along Hellyer Avenue adjacent to the course.

A membership application in Acrobat PDF format is available for download.

Previous newsletters and history is available here.

Contact the Silicon Valley Disc Golf Club via Email if you have questions, wish to report errors or make corrections on these pages.

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