E.P. Trial 1, 1 March 1998, Noordhoek, P.E

Contest Overview:
A day which started off nicely and ended grottily. Conditions started at clean, if smallish, off shore 2 - 4 foot swell, but quickly deteriorated to onshore mush when the wind swung and freshened. Turnout was poor but those that were there gave of their best. Notables were Johann Momberg who is really flying and didn't let the dismal conditions affect him; and Eugene Van Tonder who has improved tremendously since last I saw. Marius Du Plessis had to withdraw halfway after knocking out a skeg on a reef in the extemely shallow conditions.
1. Johann Momberg - Open
2. Craig Seale - Open
3. Andre Rossi - Senior
4. Naude Kotze - Senior
5. Gert Roux - Senior
6. Marius Du Plessis - Senior
7. Eugene Van Tonder - Junior

E.P. Trial 2, 22 March 1998, Noordhoek, P.E

Contest Overview:
A mild autumn day that fielded good if inconsistent 2 - 5 ft cross-shore waves. Some heats were blessed with more than their fair share of waves, while others had to scramble for scraps. Turnout was still poor but better than Trial 1. Welcome faces were Brad Curtis and Rudi Joubert. Brad had to leave after Round 1 to take care of family business. Rudi rode well and made it to the final where unfitness ended any opposition he may have offered to the other surfers. After the Trial most surfers went back into the water for a social session. All in all a pleasant day.
1. Johann Momberg - Open
2. Craig Seale - Open
3. Nick Cadle - Open
4. Rudi Joubert - Junior
5. Marius Du Plessis - Senior
6. Gert Roux - Senior
7. Andre Rossi - Senior
8. Craig Frau - Senior
9. Eugene Van Tonder - Junior
10. John Caswell - Master
11. Brad Curtis - Open

Hertz E.P. Waveski Classic, 11,12 April 1998, P.E. Beachfront

E.P. Trial 3, 10 then 17 May 1998, P.E

Contest Overview:
This trial was cancelled due to lack of surf, which was quite frustrating when one considers the run of swell that swept the South African south coast the previous few days. P.E., in the bay was a good 6 ft plus on most of those days, then suddenly over a couple of days of mild onshore breezes it just fizzled out! Tres miserable! I had the good(?) fortune to be in J-Bay on Wednesday, 13 May 1998, to carry out some work and saw Supers at lunchtime coming through at 8 ft plus.....and there was not a soul in the water!! Admittedly, there was a nasty cross-chop which probably put most people off.

E.P. Trial 4, 24 May 1998, Noordhoek, P.E

Contest Overview:
A few upsets in this trial as you'll see in the results. First a brief weather and surf report. The weather was cloudy and cold with occasional drizzles, though the wind, mercifully, remained light and variable throughout the day. The surf was fine if inconsistent 3 - 5 ft. Certain riders impressed with improved surfing such as Wayne Magson. Keep it up, Wayne. The Seniors surfers were determined that the Open surfers weren't all going to have it their own way.
1. Johann Momberg - Open
2. Andre Rossi - Senior (Surprise, surprise! Andre, that excuse you use that you're surfing a dog board no longer applies!)
3. Craig Seale - Open
4. Naude Kotze - Senior
5. Wayne Magson - Open
6. Gert Roux - Senior
7. Nick Cadle - Open
8. Marius Du Plessis - Senior

E.P. Trial 5, 7 June 1998, P.E

Contest Overview:
This trial was cancelled due to inclement weather conditions. It was decided not to postpone the trial, since most of the team members have been finalised for the S.A. Closed Champs.

1998 S.A. Closed Waveski Champs, 05 - 12 July 1998, Swakopmund, Namibia

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