Kentucky Croquet: 9-wicket clay croquet.

Kentucky Croquet

9-wicket clay croquet as played in Kentucky since 1937. The Kentucky Croquet Association is the oldest croquet organisation in the United States.

Kentucky Croquet Association Doubles Championship, Frankfort, September 1-2, 2007 -
drawing to be held Saturday morning, 9:00 am, September 1, 2007.
Single Elimination - Best Two Out of Three per Match.

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Joe Hainey wins 2007 Kentucky Croquet Association State Title.

Commissioner Roger "Buck" Wilhoite of Frankfort, Kentucky presenting the 2007 first place trophy to Joseph Hainey of Caney Fork (near Russell Springs), Kentucky, July 8, 2007.

Trophy winners of the 2007 Kentucky Croquet Association state clay singles championship played in Frankfort, Kentucky the weekend of July 7-8, 2007: J.C. "Curley" Giles of Cambellsville, Ky., second place; Joseph Hainey of Caney Fork (near Russell Springs), Ky., first place; and Frank Harris of Lexington, Ky., third place.

For complete results for the Kentucky Croquet Association singles and doubles championships, click:
singles KCA Singles
doubles KCA Doubles

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copyright © 1997-2007 by Frank Harris, Lexington, Ky.
last updated: August 6, 2007