Hgeocities.com/Colosseum/Midfield/7519/c-sp1.comments.htmlgeocities.com/Colosseum/Midfield/7519/c-sp1.comments.htmldelayedxrJ`lOKtext/html jb.HSat, 17 Jun 2006 03:08:56 GMT^cMozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)en, *rJ (PTFA)'s - The Core To Our Work

PROFESSIONAL TRACK AND FIELD ASSOCIATION -----------------------(PTFA)-----------------------



The Solution Bank is our attempt to inform those of you who may be interested in helping us build this program. It is, also, for people who are interested in the business end of the track and field industry.

Our objective and priority is simple.


Not to focus on this objective makes everything else we do, irrelevant. The future of track and field athletes being paid for their services is at the very core of this statement.

(PTFA) is not a non-profit organization.
(PTFA) is not a part of USATF or any of the other known track and field organizations.
(PTFA) is not a part of any educational or governmental institution.

(PTFA) is privately owned.


(PTFA) needs to share as much information as possible to help our track and field industry grow. But, we are also, in business for profit. And , as such, will have to protect our business interest as well and we reserve all rights to do so.

(PTFA) says,
This is a very high risk busniess with the return on investments looking very small. But regardless of this fact, we would like to extend our well wishes to those of you who's objective is similar to ours. May we all keep greed and differences from eroding our good intentions. And for those of us so inclined, keep GOD and fair play guiding us. Our intention is to please the spectators. But, the basis for this objective is for the purpose of providing a better opportunity for a greater number of track and field athletes to become professional. May we all profit in harmony !!

Thomas P Gilliard
c/o Professional Track And Field Association (PTFA)

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