Blitzkrieg BIO

Blitzkrieg is 22 years old and currently resides near the beach in Southern California. He is not a gymnast, nor has he taken a formal gymnastics class in his life. He learned by watching an older and a younger brother who were both involved in gymnastics. Blitzkrieg has an uncanny ability known as "Photo-reflexes." He can nearly mimic a physical act, whether a move or kick, just by observing it.

Blitzkrieg trained with a few friends on whatever surface they could find to train. Trampolines, mats, and from time to time a ring, were all utilized to practice and perform maneuvers while creating a few along the way.

On November 7, 1994, Blitzkrieg made his debut teaming with Hellblazer, losing to the team of Mr. Excitement and the original Suicide Kid (not the EWF wrestler). Blitzkrieg went on to wrestle on just three indie shows after his debut, between 11/94-12/95.

After a stroke of luck, Blitzkrieg went to work a 10 week, 6 matches per week engagement for a small Japanese group known as PWC (Pro Wrestling Crusaders); Kenji (formerly Shunji Takano) Takano's now-defunct group. PWC had entered into a co-promotion with Korakuen Park, an amusement park that is located next to the Tokyo Dome, to promote a lucha libre engagement at an open air terrace, adjacent to the amusement park, known as "Luna Park". Blitzkrieg is 22 years old and currently resides near the beach in Southern California.

The tour took place from July 6th to September 15th, 1996. He would go on to wrestle over 50 matches over the span of ten weeks, only to miss 11 days; four to a typhoon and 7 to injury. While on tour, he wrestled one date for PWFG, Yoshiaki Fujiwara's now-defunct group. This date was in an opening lucha libre six-man on the Dick Murdoch memorial show at Club Citta in Kawasaki on July 27, 1996. After returning from Japan, Blitzkrieg faced a barren California indie scene that offered him no work. It wasn't until a year later that he would work his only match for APW in August of 97. He then went on to work three shows in Tijuana, two for Benjamin Mora (11.29.97 and 12.19.97, the latter in the opening match on the Rey Misterio Jr. vs. Misterioso Mask vs. Mask match), who was the Aztecas promoter in TJ at the time, and one for a local TJ promoter. Blitzkrieg would work one more indie for Big Time Wrestling on May 30, 1998, before getting his first try-out for WCW on July 16, 1998, at a Thunder taping in Oakland, CA. After getting positive feedback, he wasn't contacted by WCW again until the "Lucha Festival" TV taping in late January 1999 of this year, where he would go on to perform in three matches. Blitzkrieg worked what could possibly be his last indie match on August 28, 1998 on a on a show for Pro Promotions. After the Lucha Festival taping, Blitzkrieg was invited to another try-out for WCW, this time at Nitro in Minneapolis, MN, on February 1st, 1999. Blitzkrieg would later pin Super Boy with the Stardust press in a tag match that was held after the live broadcast. After this high-flying performance, Blitzkrieg was invited to Nitro, in Buffalo, NY, on February 8, 1999. Where he would go on to make his nationwide debut vs. Rey Misterio Jr. He wrestled in a six man Lucha match on February 15, scoring the pinfall for his team (Juvi and Psicosis were his partners).