Log Roll

Have students lie down at one end of the mat across the width of the mat. They can be either on their back or on their stomach.
Their arms can be in several different postions:

  • Straight overhead
  • By their side
  • Across their chest

Let the students experiment to see which position works best for them.
Students should then roll in a straight, smooth and continuous manner towards the end of the mat.
Students can try alternating the direction they are facing on the mat to see if they roll better facing one way than they do another.

Keep your body straight as a stick or a pencil.

Problem Areas:
Rolling too fast
Rolling crooked
Not keeping their body straight

Roll slower and under control.
Use an incline or a wedge mat to help them roll.

Help student with starting postion.
Might need to give student a little push to get them started.

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