St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow


"Russkiye, russkiye, nespokoinaya sud'ba..."

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Discover Russia - a wealth of information about all aspects of Russian life and resources ; RUS/ENG - business, politics, history, travel, culture, news; RUS/ENG - a comprehensive collection of Russian web servers; RUS/ENG - the original directory of Russian internet resources; RUS/ENG
Russia Online - subscription required; RUS/ENG
List of Russian WWW-servers (by city) - Russian Academy of Science page; ENG only
Russia on the Web - includes an extensive collection of Russian links; ENG only - RUS language search engine; RUS - RUS language search engine, katalog resursov Internet; RUS

Russia For Visitors - collection of articles about everyday Russian life enhanced with pictures; ENG
Excite Travel: Russia - by; ENG only
Russian Cities - Russian cities on the web; RUS/ENG
Kremlin: Online Tour - ENG
Khabarovsk, Bikin, and Me - a memoir of an American who went to visit his girlfriend in Peace Corps in the Russian Far East - find out what is happening in this cool city of the Russian Far East; RUS/ENG

Russia Today - daily electronic newspaper, also covering CIS and the Baltics; ENG only
Russian Life magazine - the US magazine about Russian culture, history and life COOL!
Daily Political News - RUS/ENG
The Moscow Times - ENG only
The St. Petersburg Times - ENG only
Vladivostok News - electronic newspaper; RUS/ENG
Natsional'naya Sluzhba Novostei - National News Service; RUS only
RIA-Novosti - Russian Information Agency; RUS/ENG
Maximov Online - "Your window on Russia and the New Independent States"; ENG only
Russian Far East Update - published in Seattle, ENG only; also view Russia-Related Sites of Interest
Russian News Navigator - links to newspapers and magazines online
Ogonyok - national weekly magazine; RUS only
Open Media Research Institute (OMRI) - ENG only
Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) - ENG only; listen to Radio News - multilingual
Russian - newspapers and magazines collection, copies in their original form (Adobe Acrobat); ENG only
Internews Russia - international non-profit group project, information about and for independent media in the NIS; ENG only
Interfax - Russian News Agency; ENG only
Kriminal i Bezopasnost' - Crime and Safety, independent magazine; RUS only
Speed-Info - most popular Russian newspaper; RUS only
Subscribe to Russian Periodicals Online - hundreds of choices; ENG
IZVESTIYA Newspaper Photoagency - photoarchive, news from Russia, photoreports, photos of Russian politicians, updated daily; Izvestia photomagazine; RUS/ENG

Russian Government Official Server - official documents, federal executive bodies, Supreme Court, Security Council; RUS mostly
Russian Government Online - an extensive collection of links to governmental homepages; RUS
Centre for Regional Analysis and Forecasting - Russian Academy of State Administration under President of Russia; RUS/ENG
The Embassy of the Russian Federation in Washington D.C. - ENG

BISNIS - the Department of Commerce's Business Information Service for the Newly Independent States (BISNIS); ENG only
Russian-American Chamber of Commerce - ENG only
Russian Exchange - RUS/ENG
Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange - Moskovskaya Mezhbankovskaya Valyutnaya Birzha, trading, markets, partners; RUS/ENG
Russian Securities Market - RUS/ENG; also Guide to the Russian Stock Market - ENG only
The Federal Commission for the Securities Market - includes Internet Resources on the Russian Securities Market; ENG/RUS
1998 Country Commercial Guide: Russia - by U.S. Department of State; ENG only
Russia at Your Fingertips - information for businessmen and investors, ENG; also Russian Business and Trade Connections; ENG only
Business Travel in Russia - list of cities (with area codes), hotel information, tips for travelers; ENG only
U.S. Embassy in Moscow - ENG

Moscow State University - RUS/ENG
St. Petersburg State Technical University - RUS/ENG
Novosibirsk State University - RUS/ENG
Khabarovsk State University of Technology - RUS/ENG
Far Eastern State University
The Transnational Institute - organizes professional exchange programs and conferences; ENG only
American Council of Teachers of Russian

Sport-Express Daily - the popular Russian sports daily newspaper online
Russian Sports Pages - links to Russian sports homepages; RUS
Sportsline Worldwide - Russia - based on CBS Sportsline site; RUS
Sport City - St. Petersburg-based site; RUS/ENG
Russian Basketball Federation - official site; ENG
Russian Soccer Links - an extensive collection, everything about and connected to Russian soccer (football); ENG
Russian Soccer - clubs, national team, results, news, archives; ENG
Russian Hockey League - teams, results, statistics, schedules; ENG
HockeyDome - players from the former USSR in the NHL; ENG
Russian Strike Forces in NHL - RUS only
Yuri's Figure Skating Center - everything about Russian figure skating; ENG

Russian Music in Real Audio Format - including live radiostation broadcasts, and video clips
Vladimir Vysotskiy - songs in Real, lyrics, photos; RUS/ENG
Kino - the famous rock band (deceased leader Viktor Tsoi), Kino links, songs in REAL, complete discography (RUS); RUS/ENG
Planeta Akvarium - the page about the legendary rock band Akvarium (leader Boris Grebenschikov); RUS/ENG
Akvarium - the official page by Boris Grebenschikov himself; RUS/ENG
Nautilus Pompilius (Nau) - another famous rock band (leader Vyacheslav Butusov), also discography
Sektor Gaza - cool punk-rock band, songs in Real; RUS/ENG
Splin - rock group from St. Petersburg
Alisa - the official website of the legendary rock band (leader Konstantin Kinchev); listen: ISDN, 28.8
Mashina Vremeni - legendary group (leader Andrei Makarevich)

Heraldics of Russian Federation and former USSR - RUS only
Russian Heraldics page
Cartoons & Movies in REAL - collection of Russian cartoons (mul'tiki) and movies in Real; RUS/ENG - dom, sem'ya, vospitanie detei; RUS only
On i Ona - liricheskiy server; RUS only
Valeriya - molodezhnyi eroticheskiy zhurnal; RUS
Russian Books Shop - RUS/ENG; also Knizhnyi Vestnik
Russian FTP Search - RUS/ENG
Russian Mafia on the Internet - RUS only
Alternative Russian Dictionary - Russian slang and swear words
Soviet Military Awards Page - ENG
The Russian Mint - view and acquire Russian collectibles: coins, medals, even Nicholas II's authentic telegrams and Mikhail Gorbachev's "The Silver Legacy" set; ENG
Russian Space Agency - includes a utility that tracks the position of the MIR space station; ENG
KremlinKam - view Kremlin live, image updated every 60 seconds; RUS/ENG
Russify Everything! - make your software work with Cyrillic letters; ENG
Windows, and Macintosh - Cyrillic fonts and keyboard drivers - RUS-language field resource center, provides RUS-language learning services and products; ENG
Library of Congress Soviet Archives Exhibit - ENG

PERSONAL PAGES & FUN - anekdoty, zabavnye istorii, Russian jokes; RUS only
Byki i Korovy - server prikolov; RUS only - chto sovsem ne pravda, t.k. anekdotov tam polno!; RUS only
Prikoly Fomenko - prikoly, anekdoty, kartinki; RUS only
Animaportrety Znamenitostei - prikol'nye humorous animated portraits of famous people; RUS/ENG
Chertovy Kulichki - anekdoty, humor, Russian life
SovInformBureau - an ultimate source of information on things Cyrillic, Russian, and Soviet; ENG
N.Zh.M.D. - xotite porzhat' ili podivit'sya - duite syuda!; RUS
Maksim Moshkow's Library - megabytes of prose and poetry
Russkaya Poeziya - Broido's page: anekdoty, Kolyma, soldatskaya lirika
OKAY! - #1 Russian humor newspaper in the US
Chicago "Chto? Gde? Kogda?" Club - Chicagskiy klub znatokov LAERT
"Chto? Gde? Kogda?" Club on the Internet
Russian World - many links by subjects; ENG
Dazhdbog's Grandsons - Dazhd'bogovy Vnuki
Igor Chudov's page - Russian Usenet, humor, cool links
Little Russia in San Antonio, TX
Russian links by Anton Nossik
SF Bay area Russian community
Russian Archives at FUNET (FIN) - lots of Russian and USSR stuff
KI's Russian Links
Stolichnaya Vodka

Khabarovsk Online
Khabarovsk Related Sites

Not Necessarily Russian (but cool) - over 17,000 articles from The Concise Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia; ENG
Eurobasket - Euro basketball news, country leagues reports, Europeans abroad; ENG
SoccerTV - schedules of international soccer games on the US TV; ENG
Lyrics - lyrics to over 100,000 songs!; ENG - get the cheapest airfair rates; ENG

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Russian Alphabet | Russian Gymnastics

© Copyright by Vladimir Gurov. Everything's reserved.
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Vladimir Gurov's Russian Gymnastics

Inohodets by Vysotskiy

Since Dec. 8, 1997