Okee, well, welcome to the Low Graphics portion of the Seiya shrine. ^^ I know, I know, the High Graphics one isn't even up yet. But you can help us with that!! :::points to the 2 paragraphs begging for help on index.html::: Hmmm??? :::bats eyelashes::: Anyhoodles, the Low Graphics pages should be under 10k a page. If that's too much for you... get a better connection!!! ^.~

Well, I beleive I'm finished now, so have fun basking in the glory of Seiya. ^^

Other portions of the page:

And that's all we have around here right now. If you have any comments, feel free to drop me a line at cheesier@hotmail.com. I should respond within a couple days, and I welcome all comments and criticism. ^^

This page was made by Cooan & Mikuro, the lovely little lovebirds. ^^ And it is ©1996, 1997, & 1998.