PT Fan Ring!

There is a web ring called the "P/T Fan Ring!" To join, follow my 10 step proccess!

1. You have to be a P/Ter (easy enough)

2. You need a web site (It deosn't have to be P/T, it just has to be yours)

3. Fill out this simple form

4. Wait for me to add your site to the ring (You shouldn't have to wait for very long)

5. Take this code and put it on you page.

6. Replace "SITE_OWNER_EMAIL" with your e-mail address (Mine is)

7. Replace "Your_Name_Here" with your name (mine is Erin)

8. Replace "_SITE_ID_HERE_" with your site ID (mine is 1)

9. If you do it correctly, it will look like this (using my varibles)

This P/T Fan Ring! site is owned by

Want to join the P/T Fan Ring!?
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10. All done!!! Congrats!! You've been added!! Lot's of people know where your page is now!! Don't you feel special? *grin*

If you're in another webring, or you just can't use the given pictures, use this code instead.
It should look like this:

This P/T Fan Ring! site is owned by

Want to join the P/T Fan Ring!?
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