
When I was just a child at play, I'd wake and start each brand new day, With hopes and plans, wishes and dreams, The world was filled with so much it seems. Kingdoms, oceans, forests and space ... Were places to travel and experience with grace. Never a doubt, hesitation or fear ...... Simply packed my bags and picked up my gear. Now my body is older, responsibilities arranged, But many things remain unchanged. My spirit still wakes each newborn day, Admiring each radiant, shining sun ray. Stretching, recalling experiences dreamt Deciding precisely which conquest to attempt. Thanking The Lord that I'm here to see, All of the wonders that exist around me. As the traces of slumber blithely melt away, Routines and rituals replace it's stay. Along with them come some most valued guest, Desire, enthusiasm, anticipation .....and ZEST! --Michelle Katon