You shiver in the cold.  When will the snow seace to fall?  Then, ahead of you, you see a drop, down into, a Weyr!  You make your way to the edge, and shout out, hoping you will be heard.  You did not realise you were standing on over hanging snow.  Now you are standing on nothing.   Then., a bronze swoops you up and you are carried into the Weyrbowl.  "I'm B'lior, and this is Darkseth.   Now, get off.  The enterance to the lower caverns is that way," he says, pointing.  You thank him, and walk that way, leaving the bronze and its rider.

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"Hello?" you ask one seemingly important woman. She has short black hair and blue eyes, and looks about 20. "Yes?" she replies. "Um, B'lior brought me in, I was caught midair falling down the Weyrnowl edge." She nods. You look behind to see there are many people around, sad looking, most of them. "I am Beliora, rider of golden Unreth. Um, sorry I've got to go, Unreth is calling me from the sands, will you come?" she asks. You think about your options.

You hear they have The Fire Lizards

Maybe you could visit The weyrs

THE SANDS Candidates Needed!  4 female 3 male!!!

The storerooms

More about Celeste's Pernese dragons.

Candidates for Unreth's clutch!

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