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                       HI   GUYS    

                                                  I like the 4th of July because its the day that
                            represents our flag. That day we have family and
                              friends come over and we have a big dinner
                      That night we  have a demolition derby in town then
                        we have some fireworks  that the fire station
                        puts on we can  see them very good because will live
                   so far from town. Then we have our own fireworks
                                      that we let off.
                           THOMAS JEFFERSON
                                A Great repect for Knowlege has been a trait
                              of our Presidents. Thomas Jefferson was the 3rd
                              President of the United States and an author of the
                             Decleration of Independance. These are his words
                            People who can read can be free because reading
                             banishes, ignorance and superstition.
                                                   Let Freedom Ring Thoughout Our Land

                                       Let Peace & Harmony abound
                                       Let our shores remain forever free
                             Let Our lands shimmer & glisten with all it's pride.
                         Lets Cherish What we have & bring "4th" a future clear
                         Lets Go out and say "Hi Neighbor, have a happy day"
            Lets Enjoy the love that's really here & remember along the
            way That the above is what brings us
                       * ALL * here to "Celebrate Today
                      A Happy & Safe Independence Day To All

  What's more American than Mom's
Apple Pie and Homemade Ice Cream?
Mom's Applepie
(Double Crust Apple Pie
By Elsie Volpe (Holiday on the Net's mom)
  2 cups all purpose flour
1 teaspoon salt
2/3 cup shortening
5-7 tablespoons COLD water
Mix shortening, salt, flour with a fork until crumbly
Add 5 tablespoons water
and mix well, adding more water if too dry
Apple Filling
6-8 tart apples (Macintosh, Granny Smith
Pare, core and thinly slice
3/4 - 1 cup sugar
2 tablespoons all purpose flour
1/2-1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
2 tablespoons butter (or margarine)
   Slice apples Combine sugar,
flour, cinnamon in a bowl
     Add apple slices and mix well
   Take 1/2 of the pastry and
roll flat with rolling pin
Line a 9" or 10" pie plate with the pastry
Fill with apple mixture
   Dot with butter (or margarine)
Take the remaining pastry dough and roll flat
         Place dough on top of apple pie mix
    Crimp along edges creating a scalloped edging
           Take a knife and cut slits into top
pastry for steam to escape
                  Bake in a 400 oven for 50 minutes
or until crust is brown
    Let cool and serve
© Copyright 1996-1997, Elsie Volpe and Studio Melizo
  The Pledge of Allegiance
     I pledge allegiance to the Flag
of the United States of America,
and to the Republic for which it stands.
One nation under God, indivisible,
     with liberty and justice for all.
      Coments & Suggestions always Welcome!
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