This is Jonny Bear and Jamie Bear

For Valentine's Day I would like to give you a present.
It is the most important gift I can give you.
It is the most expensive gift you will ever receive.
The value is priceless.

The Best Gift

Click the Box of Candy to find the BEST gift I can give you.

If you do accept this gift, you don't have to shake it or worry about the calories. You won't even have to tear the wrapping paper.

Just click on the lovely box of candy above to find out how to become a Christian, and receive the BEST gift you can ever get.

What I want to give you is "Salvation". It is a FREE gift from God. "For by GRACE are you saved through faith, it is a gift of God not of works lest any man should boast" Ephesians 2:8-9. Here is a link to "The Four Spiritual Laws" part of Campus Crusade for Christ. This page and site will follow up on your decision if you become a Christian and they have wonderful resources. .

All the presents in the world won't matter if you spend eternity in hell. Don't put it off......you don't know what tomorrow may bring. Do you know what you would say if tomorrow you died, you go to heaven and they asked you "Why should we let you in?" Believe me a long laundry list of all the good things you did isn't enough. Because nothing of your own merit will get you to heaven.....the only way is by accepting Jesus Christ as your Savior.

The above writing and gift present is from Annie's Valentine Page. 

Jesus Teaches Us to Love God

MATTHEW 22: 37-40

One day a man asked Jesus,
"What is the greatest law
God wants me to keep?"
Jesus said, "You shall Love God
With all you heart."

Jesus loved God His Father.
Jesus talked to God.
He always did what His Father wanted.
How can you show your love to God your Father?

Jesus told a story to explain God's
second great law.

A man was hurt
He needed help.
Two men passed him by
Then a kind man stopped and helped him.
Jesus tells us to be like the kind man.
He tells us to love our neighbor.

Jesus told us that everyone is our neighbor.
We should try to help everyone in need.
What can you do this Valentine's Day to show
your Love for people?


Sign my guestbook and tell me!

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Here are some ideas to do for others this Valentine's Day.
Remember people who may not receive valentine greetings. Deliver valentines to people who are homebound or living in a nursing home. Send greetings to people in the hospital. Make heart shaped cookies or cupcakes decorated with valentine candies with sayings on them. Don't forget to Thank Teachers, Bus Drivers, Day care providers and others that you depend on each day.

Send Valentine Cards from Mauri's Card Shop

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The Happy Valentine's Day Webring
This Valentine's Day Site Belongs To Jonathan

Background and Graphics by Sharon's Land of Hearts