Lucky's Paws Book

Here's my pal from all around the net and the world!!!If you 
click on their pictures you will go to their home page!Isn't that
cool?If your not listen here and want to e mail me!

This is my buddy Pugnacious Pete.He's a Pug.
I wonder how they can survived without long
hair!!!He is adorable!

Meet Polly!A cool and cute Yorkie living in the
UK.What a cool plush toy she have!Wonder where
i can find one!

This is Bandit!He is the most cool Yorkie
i ever met!You're really cool Bandit!

Meet Dave!He is so cute!How many food do i
have to eat to be tall like that!What's the

Intoducing Miss Mimi!I always said that
dogs were born in flowers.Now guess what!?I get the
proof with Mimi tis cute little Bichon Frise!

This is my pal Meggi!
No she's not poor!She just love to shew thing.
Do you know a dog who doesn't like to know what's
in the trash.She's a little Jack-Russel Terrier.

Introducing Spots!
I'm sure that you already have seen one of
those adorable puppy on TV!Yep in 101 dalmatians.
She is really cute just like them.So you guess
rigth Spots is a little dalmatian!

Sammy Dog,Puppy Dog,Everybody Loves a Dog!
This is Sammy a little Bichon quote!

Meet my buddy dog Cassius!!
Guess what?He lived in Gothenburg,Sweden!
I told ya i want pal around the world!!
What i should do to be tall like that?
Yes i eat all my bones!

TADAAHHHHH this is Comet!
She have a cool page and she is cool.Just look
at the picture and see by yourself.Yep all
dogs on my page are cool dogs!

This cute pommeranian is Lobo!
aren't those dog cute.My owner Valerie
want one like that.Why?Easy she loooove
The X-Files.And Scully's dog is a pommeranian
named Queequeg(will be easy to pick a name)But
those are cute!

Awwwwww isn't that little doggie cute!
Like, I already told ya my momie Valerie
want one. This little fellow is my friend
Sweetie.I got a very friendly letter from

This is my buddy Phil from Japan.
As you can see he is a little Shih Tzu like me!
This dog is so clever then he can talk and write
in japanese.Wow! Shih Tzu are clever,aren't they? ;)

Want to be in my buddy list?You don't need to be a dog to 
join!!You just have to send me a picture of you and a link back 
to your page!

OH NO!!!!You discover that the link to your page is not working,
that I made a mistake(No dogs are perfect!). Quick contact me
so I can put the correct link.

Contact Me