Have you ever wondered about aliens? Hi this is Hunter and I run the alien adoption center! Well now you can adopt a cute ET of your own to love and protect. Just fill out this simple form and I will tell you what planet (URL) to pick your alien up from. All applicants will be screened and each alien will have an ID number. Also, I will list you and your alien on my Aliens on Earth page so everyone can visit you and little one. Have fun!



Web Url where your alien will be staying

Name of alien

I want a

Reason why I want to adopt an alien

By adopting an alien I promise to:

  1. Protect them from people who don't believe in aliens.
  2. Provide them a warm and loving home.
  3. Turn in alien nappers.
  4. Keep them away from FBI agents, with the exception of Fox Mulder and Dana Scully.

List of Aliens Now Living on Earth
Hunter's Homepage
Hunter's Spacepage

Special thanks to Paragon for all their help and donating all these cool graphics and aliens.

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