Welcome to Biochip5's TAMAGOTCHI Page! Below is a list of FAQs.

Q.What is a TAMAGOTCHI? A.A TAMAGOTCHI is an "egg" with 3 buttons and a screen with a creature on it. It is also attached to a keychain for convenience.

Q.What do the buttons do? A.The buttons let you do certain tasks for your creature. Some of the tasks are to clean-up after it, play with it, feed it, give it a shot and other things.

Q.So it's like a dog? A.It's like any pet. TAMAGOTCHI is a Virtual Pet. Depending on how well you take care of it determines what kind of animal it is.

Q.Earlier, you said you could play with it. What do you play? A.When you play with tam, you try to guess which way it is going to turn. If you guess right, he gets happier. You get five chances to guess as many right as you can. If you get more right than wrong, he gets even happier.

Q.How much do TAMAGOTCHIs sell for? A.Around $15 to $20.

Q.Why is it so expensive? A.They sell for a lot because they are the first ones of their kind.


Below is a growth chart from the Bandai Site.It also says what each tam's mood is like.


Biochip5's Tamagotchi

Name: Tamagarr

Birthday: June 26th, 1997

Age when left: 7

% of Discipline: 50%


Biochip5's Tam Graveyard




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