Fun Crafts
~Fun Crafts~

Everyone, young and old love to make hand-craft. On this page, I have include a few activities mainly for kids to do and to enjoy! I hope you will find it fun making these crafts.

Ballet Line

Friendship Pins

 You could make friendship pins. One for you and the other for your friend!

You'll need:

flower2 cups of flour

flower1 cup of salt

flowera mixing bowl

flower1 cup of water

flowerred food coloring

floweraluminum foil

flowerrolling pin ~optional~
flowerbutter knife or heart shape cookie cutter
flowerwhite glue

flower2 safety pins

floweran adult to help!


1. Mix the flour and salt in the bowl.

2. Slowly add the water

3. Knead the flour, salt and water together until they are well mixed.

4. Add a few drops od food coloring and continue to knead the dough.

5. Using your hands or a rolling pin, flatten the dough  on a sheet of foil.

6. Ask a grown-up to help you use your butter knife or cookie cutter to cut a heart out of the dough.

7. Ask a grown-up to help you use your butter knife to cut the heart in two with a ziz zag line down the middle.

8. Allow the two pieces of the heart to dry completely. Then use a small dab of white glue to attach a safety pin to the back of each half of your heart.

9. Allow the glue to dry before giving your friend one of the pins.

Ballet Line

Greeting Cards

Make your own special hand-made greeting cards for your family and friends!

You'll need:

flowerColoured paper, artblock or any other type of paper. ( No newspaper, please!!) **LAUGH!!**

flowerSome marker pens, highliters, color pencils, etc.

flowerStickers or any decorative stuff


1.Fold the paper of your choice into half.

2. On the front cover, use your marker pens to write your heading big and clear.

3. Use your color pencils or crayons to draw a nice picture on your front cover and also the inside of your card.

4.Open the card and write whatever you want to say inside.

Example: Happy Birthday, Mary!

You have always been a very special friend to me, I would like to wish you a very Happy Birthday.

5. You can include in a quote, poem, song, etc.

6. At the back of the card, you could write something like: This card was specially made by 'your name'.

7. Decorate the card nicely with stickers, glitter dust, etc.

Ballet Line
Sneaker Friendship Pins

Make two sneaker friendship pins to wear on your sneakers. Give the other pin to your friend!

You'll need:

flowerSereval beads of different colors

flower2 safety pins (both the same size)


1. Place some beads on the open end of one safety pin. Then close the pin.

2. Repeat step 1 on the second pin.

3. Give one of the sneaker friendship pin to your friend and keep the other.

4. Now, string one of your shoelaces through the safety pin and wear it on your sneaker.

5. Repeat Step 4 on your friend.

Ballet Line

Handmade Puzzles

Make your own puzzles to play with!

You'll need:

flowerAny picture you like (It could be a photograph, a cut-out from magazines, etc.)


flowerScissors and glue


1. Glue your picture faceup on the cardboard.

2. Use your scissors to trim the cardboard to the exact size of your picture.

3. Cut the cardboard with your picture into medium-sized jigsaw puzzle pieces.

4.Place all of the pieces in a box to play with them anytime you want.

Ballet Line

I will try to add more crafts soon! Please bookmark this page. I really need more crafts to put on this page. If you have any and you would like to share it with me, please email me!

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