My Garden

Post With Flowers~My Garden~Post With Flowers
Welcome To My Garden
Garden Fence With FlowersWelcome to my garden! Please take off your shoes (so that you won't spoil the grass when you step on them!) and breath into the fresh and cold air. Why don't you lie around and roll on the grass, do whatever you like, just don't pluck off any leaves or flowers!!
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Garden Tools
TreeGrassTulipTulipGrassCherry Tree
Have you water your plants today?Flower RowFlower RowFlower RowHave you water your plants today?
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Have you ever wondered what are you going to do with your flowers? Well, here are some neat ideas that you can definitely try out!
flower Gather a bunch of flowers and put them in a vase, pot etc. (Make sure to arrange the flowers nicely!)
flower Dry a bunch of flowers and hang it up somewhere in your house.
flower Gather all the dried flowers you can find and put them in a small bag (those with nettings over it). Tie a string around the bag. And viola, you have pot pourri! You can also put the dried flowers in a small clay pot where there is a netting on top.
flowerGather a bunch of flowers (long stem prefered) and wrap up the stems nicely with wrapping paper. Give the bunch of flowers to a sick friend/relative as a get-well gift!
flower Use the flowers to make flower-press. First gather a few flowers and leaves. Put them inside a thick book until it's really flatten. Glue the flowers & leaves onto a card. Decorate the card. You can also use the pressed flowers & leaves to make notebook covers, gift tags, small birthday/get well etc. cards, wrapping paper, etc.
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If you have anything that you would like to ask or say, you can email me by clicking the mail icon below! You can drop me a line anytime at all!
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