Apply For My Award

~Apply For My Award~

If you want to apply for my award, your homepage must meet the following guidelines. Please read ALL of the guidelines before applying for my award or your homepage will not be reviewed. Both of the awards below were made by me

Angela's Award of Beauty

Angela's Angelic Site Award

Ballet Line


flowerYour homepage must be child-safe.

flowerYou must sign my guestbook

flowerNo broken links and images

flowerI would appreciate it if you would rank my site

Wasn't that simple? Now all you have to do is fill up the form below. If your browser does not support forms, you can email me.




Homepage Title:

Which award are you applying for?

Angela's Award of Beauty
Angela's Angelic Site Award

Did you sign my guestbook? Yes No

Did you rank my site? Yes No

Ballet Line

~Email Me~

If you have anything that you would like to ask or say, you can email me by clicking the mail icon below! You can drop me a line anytime at all!


~Sign My Guestbook~

I would appreciate it if you sign my guestbook so that I will know you have come and visit me!

Sign My GuestbookView My Guestbook

Ballet Line


Ballet Line