MOTW Welcome Gifts

~MOTW Welcome Gifts~
I joined Moms on The Web (MOTW) on the 8th of August 1998. On that day itself, I have received a few welcoming gifts from some wonderful, caring and sharing mothers. On this page, I have proudly displayed the gifts I have received. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all of the following members for their beautiful gifts! Actually, I have received a lot more welcome gifts but due to some mail server error, I could only received the following. Oh, well...... :(
Ballet Line
A Gift from Cathy
I received this wonderful welcome gift from Cathy!
Thank you very much, Cathy!
A Gift from Diane
I received this sepcial welcome gift from Diane!
Thank you very much, Diane!
A Gift from Nitesky
I received this beautiful welcome gift from Nitesky!
Thank you very much, Nitesky!
A Gift from Gigi
I received this wondeful welcome gift from Gigi.
Thank you, Gigi!
A Gift from Sussane
I received this special welcome gift from Susanne.
Thank you, Susanne!

To see more gifts, click here

Ballet Line
~Email Me~
If you have anything that you would like to ask or say, you can email me by clicking the mail icon below! You can drop me a line anytime at all!
~Sign My Guestbook~
I would appreciate it if you sign my guestbook so that I will know you have come and visit me!
Sign My GuestbookView My Guestbook
Ballet Line
Ballet Line