DevilPup Buddies was created just for the supporters,mommies and Daddies of Devilpups. I have had a lot of help putting this site together. A lot of these people wanted to join the DevilPups & Friends webring...but didn't fall into the under 16 rule. So (on the advice of a friend) I have created this webring for those of you who want to support Military kids! To show them that you are interested and that you care! These are the qualifications to be in the webring:
1. your site must not contain any content that I deem inappropriate or offensive
2. You must love DevilPups!
3. You must have some military content on your site and put this webring on the page that contains this.

Thats it! Its that easy! Simply submit your site to the ring by clicking the submit button and your on your way. Come back to this site and get the picture and html code that you need to add to your site! Once you have added that to your site you are done! I will activate your site in the ring and you are now a proud supporter of military kids everywhere!



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Click here to return to the main page and explore some more!
Use the compass to return to the Marine Corps Family Network

Our webring graphics are courtesy of

Please click on the graphic to see her site.

Created By Judith Ervi, all rights reserved 1998.