I live at and am very proud of Sapphire Weyr!

You step forward into K'se's huge weyr, dozens of firelizards flying past you as you do so. You walk further into the dark weyr, the walls completely black, straw covering the dragon couch, dust covering everything else. Suddenly you hear a rustling noise outside the weyr. You spin around to see K'se and Magelith sitting on the ledge of the weyr, Magelith sunning his huge, blue wings.

"Hello traveller! Good to see you again. My little Magelith isn't so little anymore! He's a full grown adult! Imagine that, a huge fellow like him was one big enough for me to carry! Ah, but he is a handsome fellow too! Dirty though...would you like to help clean him? Great! Jump on his back and we'll go to the lake." he says and helps you to Magelith's back. Once you're on him, you notice he's very big for a blue, almost as big as a brown! He glides effortlessly to the lake and lets you off before wallowing in the water. M'ton's brown splashes at the other side of the lake, and M'ton waves to you.

You laugh as he sinks under water and blows bubbles through his nose like a little kid. Dozens of firelizards come and land on Magelith's back, scrubbing the places you can't. You wonder where K'se got so many firelizards, and try to get the courage to ask. "K'se, where did you get all those firelizards?" you ask finally after a long akward moment.

He turns to you and smiles. "Not all those firelizards are mine, just most of them. You remember Cherop and Isis, right? Those two are so in love it's sickening. And everytime Cherop has a clutch, she won't let anybody near them but me, so I end up impressing most of them. Jewel says that if I impress another, she'll pour hot klah over me everytime she brings it to me. But she doesn't mind much, other than some of the younger weyrlings are a bit jealous." he says and laughs.

Magelith waddles out of the water and leans over you and K'se. He shakes his masive head and roars a dragonlike laugh as you both stand, soaking, watching him waddle away. I'm sorry! I didn't see you there! I won't do it again K'se, I promise! he thinks to you both and stops to look at you. He roars again and lays down to sun himself. "He's so full of himself now that there's a few flights at Talor Cliff Weyr, he knows for sure he'll catch one of the females. Of course, I know he will, he's absolutly the biggest blue I've ever seen in my life." You laugh and tell K'se you have to go before wishing him good luck at the flights. He says good bye and you walk away.
K'se's Stats
Name K'se
Rank ---
Age 18
Sex Male
Hair Brown
Eyes Green
Mate ---
Dragon Name Magelith
Parents Segle, J'sim
Siblings None
Children ---
Place Of Birth Fort Hold

Cherop's Stats
Name Cherop
Rank/Color Queen/Gold
Age 1
Sex Female
Mate Isis
Parents Unknown
Siblings Unknown
Children too many to know
Place Of Birth Glass Island Weyr

Isis' Stats
Name Isis
Rank/Color Brown
Age 1 1/2
Sex Male
Mate Cherop
Parents Unknown
Siblings Unknown
Children too many to know
Place Of Birth Glass Island Weyr

Magelith's Stats
Name Magelith
Rank/Color Blue
Age Hatchling
Sex Male
Mate ---
Parents Unknown
Siblings Unknown
Children ---
Place Of Birth Gallimim Weyr

See K'se as a candidate and see Magelith grow

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