Адыгэ Псалъалъэхэр


Circassian Lexicography

(Circassian Dictionaries)


Collected and edited


Amjad Jaimoukha







Kabardian & Cherkess Dictionaries



> Apazhe, M. and K’wek’we, Zh., Adige-Wiris Psalhalhe [Circassian-Russian Dictionary], Nalchik: Elbrus Book Press, 2008. [Kabardino-Cherkess. Contains about 27,000 entries. There are sections on Circassian onomastics (K’wek’we) and the history of Circassian lexicography (Apazhe). It is essentially an expanded and upgraded edition of B. M. Kardanov’s 1957 work]

Bagov (Baghi), P. M., ‘Ètimologiya nekotorikh slov [Etymology of Some Words]’, in Scientific Transactions of the Kabardino-Balkarian Science and Research Institute [Uchenie zapiski KBNII], Nalchik, Philological Series, vol. 20, 1964.

Bagov (Baghi), P. M. (editor-in-chief), Adigebze Psalhalhe. Slovar kabardino-cherkesskogo yazika [Dictionary of the Kabardino-Cherkess Language], Moscow: Digora, 1999. [M. L. Abitov et al ; 852 pages; about 31,000 entries]

Bálint, G., Dictionarium kabardico-hungaro-latinum, Koloszvár (Klausenburg), 1904.

Emouzov (Yemize), A. G., ‘Nekotorie anglo-kabardino-russkie frazeologicheskie paralleli [Some English-Kabardian-Russian Phraseological Parallels]’, in Scientific Transactions of the Kabardino-Balkarian Science and Research Institute [Uchenie zapiski KBNII], Nalchik, Philological Series, vol. 20, 1964.

English-Kabardian-Russian Phraseological Dictionary, Nalchik: The Kabardino-Balkarian Institute for Raising the Level of the Academic Proficiency of the Spiritual Legacy of the Orient, 1992 (second edition).

Heqwn, B. Yu., Adige Qech’ighets’exer [Circassian Flora], Nalchik: Elbrus Book Press, 1992 (second edition); first edition: Qech’ighets’exem ya Psalhalhe [Dictionary of Circassian Flora], Cherkessk, 1975. [First edition: about 1,000 entries; second edition: about 1,500 entries]

Jaimoukha (Zhemix’we), A. M., Kabardian-English Dictionary, Amman: Sanjalay Press, 1997.

Jawirjiy, H. Z. and Siqwn, H. H., Wiris-Adige Shkol Psalhalhe [School Russian-Kabardian Dictionary], Nalchik: Nart Publishing House, 1991. Online. Available HTTP: <http://www.circassianlibrary.org/library.php?lang=en&mn=1&sbmn=1> (accessed 2 September 2007) [320 pages. 12,000 entries]

Kardanov (Qarden), B. M., Kabardinsko-russki frazeologicheski slovar [Kabardian-Russian Phraseological Dictionary], Nalchik, 1968.

Frazeologiya kabardinskogo yazika [Phraseology of the Kabardian Language], Nalchik: Elbrus Book Press, 1973.

Kardanov (Qarden), B. M. (ed.), Kabardinsko-russki slovar [Kabardian-Russian Dictionary], Kabardino-Balkarian Science and Research Institute, Moscow: State Press of Foreign and National Dictionaries, 1957. Online. Available HTTP: <http://www.circassianlibrary.org/library.php?lang=en&mn=1&sbmn=1> (accessed 2 September 2007). [20,000 entries. Short grammatical treatise in Russian by Kardanov at end]

Kardanov (Qarden), B. M. and Bichoev (Biysch’o), A. T. (compilers), A. O. Shogantsukov (editor-in-chief), Russko-kabardinsko-cherkesski slovar [Russian-Kabardian-Cherkess Dictionary], Kabardian Science and Research Institute, Moscow: State Press of Foreign and National Dictionaries, 1955. [1054 pages. About 30,000 entries. There is a short grammatical description of the Kabardian-Cherkess language by Kardanov in Russian on pp 993-1054. Reviewed by G. Deeters in Caucasian Review, no. 3, 1956, pp 113-14]

Khuranov (X’wran), B. L., Russko-kabardinski slovar [Russian-Kabardian Dictionary], Moscow: The Central Book Publishing House of the Peoples of the USSR, 1927.

Lopatinsky, L. G., ‘Russko-kabardinski slovar [Russian-Kabardian Dictionary]’, in Sbornik materialov dlya opisaniya mestnostei i plemen Kavkaza [Collection of Materials for the Description of the Districts and Tribes of the Caucasus], Tiflis (Tbilisi), vol. 12, 1891. [With index]

— ‘Russko-kabardinski slovar, s kratkoi grammatikoi [Russian-Kabardian Dictionary with a Short Grammar]’, in Sbornik materialov dlya opisaniya mestnostei i plemen Kavkaza [Collection of Materials for the Description of the Districts and Tribes of the Caucasus], Tiflis (Tbilisi), vol. 21, 1896.

Nartokov (Nartoqwe), M. G., Russko-kabardino-cherkesski slovar [Russian-Kabardian-Cherkess Dictionary:], Nalchik: Kabardino-Balkarian Book Press, 1963. [86 pages; for sixth graders]

Nogmov (Negwme), Sh. B., Kabardino-russki slovar (chernovie materiali) [Kabardian-Russian Dictionary (draft materials)], in Philological Transactions, vol.1, Nalchik, 1956.

Okhtov, A. D., Russko-cherkesski slovar [Russian-Cherkess Dictionary], Stavropol, 1949.

Psalhexem Yamihene [Meanings of Words], Nalchik, 1941. [Kabardian-Russian dictionary]

Russko-kabardinski terminologicheski slovar k uchebnikam dlya srednikh shkol [Russian-Kabardian Terminological Dictionary for Textbooks of Secondary Schools], Nalchik, 1950.

Schheschemisch’ (Shkhashemishev), Kh. Kh., Adigets’e ziy’e Psewischhexer [Animals With Circassian Names], Nalchik: El’-Fa, 1998.

Siqwn, H. H., Inverse Dictionary of the Kabardino-Cherkess Language, 1980.

Dictionary of Inverted Words, Amman, 1988.

Siqwn, H. H. and Tolhesten (Negwer), H., Dictionary of Kabardian Antonyms, Amman, 1988.

Siqwn, H. H., X’wnegw, N. H. and Qwschhe, F. M., Circassian-Arabic Dictionary, Amman, 1988. [155 pages; about 3,000 words]

Slovar kabardino-cherkesskogo yazika [Dictionary of the Kabardian-Cherkess Language], Moscow: Digora, 1999.

Sukunov (Siqwn), Kh. Kh. and Sukunova (Siqwn), I. Kh., Kabardino-cherkessko-russko-anglo-turetski slovar v illyustratsiyakh [Kabardian-Cherkess-Russian-English-Turkish Illustrated Dictionary], Nalchik: El’-Fa, 1998. [423 pages]

Tabukhov (Tabix’w), Kh. K., Shkolni russko-kabardino-cherkesski frazeologicheski slovar [School Russian-Kabardian-Cherkess Phraseological Dictionary], Nalchik: Elbrus Book Press, 1997. [454 pages]

Temirova (Teimir), R. Kh., Wiris-Adige Zepsalhalhe. Russko-cherkesski razgovornik [Russian-Circassian Phrase-Book], Cherkessk: Karachai-Cherkess Branch of the Stavropol Book Printing House, 1990. [173 pages]

Wiris, H. Sch. and Zex’wex’w, L. H., Adigebze Orfografiycheiske Psalhalhe [Kabardino-Cherkess Orthographical Dictionary], Nalchik: Elbrus Book Press, 1982. [1134 pages; some 90,000 entries; shows stress pattern]

Yakovlev, N. F., Materiali dlya kabardinskogo slovarya [Materials for a Kabardian Dictionary], Moscow, 1927. [In Russian and English; English title ‘Materials for the Kabardey Dictionary’]

Zex’wex’w, L. H., Kabardian and Cherkess Orthographical Dictionary for Students, Nalchik: Elbrus Book Press, 1967, 1970.

Dictionary of the Literary Language of Ali Schojents’ik’w, Nalchik, 1975.


Kratkii russko-kabardinsko-balkarskii slovar [Short Russian-Kabardian-Balkar Dictionary], Nalchik, Nart, 1992.  





Paris, C., ‘Beslanay-French Dictionary’, appended to ‘Conte populaire en dialecte besney (tcherkesse oriental) (suite)’, in Bedi Karthlisa, Paris, 34, 1976, pp 255-309. [Includes some 900 entries]




Adigean Dictionaries


Abdulsalam (Lash), A., Adighean (Western Circassian) Vocabulary, Tokyo: Institute for the Study of Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, 1984. [English-Adigean-Arabic dictionary of 1,000 entries]

Auglev, M. (ed.), Kratki russko-adigeiski slovar-spravochnik [A Short Russian-Adigean Dictionary and Reference Book], Maikop, 1955.

Bersirov (Birsir), B., Daurov (Dawir), Kh. and Shaov (Schaw), A., Orfograficheski slovar adigeiskogo yazika [Orthographical Dictionary of the Adigean Language], Maikop, 1994.

Blyagoz (Bleghwezch), Z. U. and Blyagoz (Bleghwezch), A. N., Russko-adigeiski razgovornik [Russian-Adigean Phrase-Book], Maikop, 1990.

Blyagoz (Bleghwezch), Z. U. and Tkharkakho (Therqwax’we), Yu. A., Russko-adigeiski frazeologicheski slovar [Russian-Adigean Phraseological Dictionary], Maikop, 1993.

Brantov (Brant’), Sh. I. et al. (compilers), Short Russian-Adigean Dictionary for Primary Schools, Maikop, 1991 (second edition).

’Eschhemafe (Ashkhamaf), D. A., Adige Orfografiycheiske Gwshi’alh [Adigean Orthographical Dictionary], Maikop, 1940; third edition: Maikop, 1955.

Ghish, N. T., Psewischhats’eme Yagwshi’alh [Dictionary of Fauna], Maikop, 1990.

Hat’ene, A. A. and Ch’erashe, Z. I., Adigabzem Yizexef Gwshi’alh [Explanatory Dictionary of the Adigean Language], Bzem, Literaturem, Istoriem ya Adige Nauchne-Issledovatelske Institut [Adigean Science and Research Institute of Language, Literature and History], Maikop: Circassian Book Press, 1960. [696 pages; meanings of entry in both Adigean and Russian; illustrative examples in Adigean]

Loewe, L., ‘A Dictionary of the Circassian Language: Containing all the most necessary words for the traveller, the soldier, and the sailor: With the exact pronunciation of each word in the English character’, bound with The Philological Society’s Proceedings, vol. 6, 8 vo., London: G. Bell, 1854. [In two parts: English-Circassian-Turkish and Circassian-English-Turkish]

Lyule, L. Ya., Slovar russko-cherkesski ili adigski [Russian-Circassian Dictionary], Odessa, 1846. [With a short grammatical work]

Meretukov (Meretiqwe), K. Kh., Adigeiski toponimicheski slovar [Adigean Toponymical Dictionary], Maikop, 1981; second edition: Moscow, 1990; third edition: Maikop: Kachestvo, 2003. [Third edition: 424 pages; 3,500 toponymic entries (>1,200 in the first edition, about 2,500 in the second); includes geographic names officially used in the Republic of Adigea, villages of the Black Sea Shore and other Adigean settlements of the Krasnodar Region]

Meretukov (Meretiqwe), K. and Tkharkakho (Therqwax’we), Yu. (eds), Adige orfografiycheiske gwshi’alh [Adigean Orthographical Dictionary], Maikop, 1968.

Namitok, Yu. K., Terminologicheski slovar po biologii [Terminological Dictionary of Biology], Krasnodar, 1934.

Paris, C., ‘Shapsugh Lexicon’, in La Princesse Kahraman: Contes d’Anatolie en dialecte chapsough (tcherkesse occidental), Paris: SELAF, 1974. [69 pages; in French]

Dictionnaire du dialecte abzakh, Paris. [Dictionary of the Abzakh dialect of Western Circassian]

Paris, C. and Batouka, N., Dictionnaire abzakh (tcherkesse occidental) II. Phrases et textes illustratifs, L’Europe de Tradition Orale 6, vol. 1, Publié avec le concours du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (SELAF), 1987. [228 pages]

‘Russko-adigeiski slovar’ [‘Russian-Adigean Dictionary’], loose leaf in Russian Literature: Reader for the 8th Grade of National Schools, Maikop, 1964.

Schawiqwe, Zh. A. (ed.), Adige-Wiris Gwshi’alh [Adigean-Russian Dictionary], Maikop, 1975. [440 pages; 16,000 entries]

Shaov (Schaw), A., Leksika i frazeologiya adigeiskogo yazika [Vocabulary and Phraseology of the Adigean Language], Maikop, 1980.

Shaov (Schaw), A. A., Meretukov (Meretiqwe), K. Kh. and Shkhalakhova, R. A., Russko-adigeiski slovar lingvometodicheskikh terminov [Russian-Adigean Dictionary of Terms of Linguistic Methods], Maikop: Adigean Republican Book Printing House, 2002.

Shewjen, M. and Hadeghal’e, A., Wiris-Adige Gwshi’alh [Russian-Adigean Dictionary], Maikop, 1960.

T’eschw, M. Yasin Tselikkiran, Tirkw-Adige Gwshi’alh. Turetsko-adigeiski slovar [Turkish-Adigean Dictionary], Maikop: Adigean Book Publishing House, 1991. [159 pages; about 12,000 entries]

Adige-Tirkw Gwshi’alh. Adigeisko-turetski slovar [Adigean-Turkish Dictionary], Maikop: Adigean Book Publishing House, 1992. [196 pages; about 13,000 entries]

Therqwax’we (Tkharkakho), Yu. A., Frazeologicheski slovar adigeiskogo yazika [Phraseological Dictionary of the Adigean Language], Maikop, 1980.

Adigabzem Yisiynoniymxem Yagwshi’alh [Dictionary of Synonyms of the Adigean Language], Maikop, 1988.

Adige-Wiris Gwshi’alh. Adigeisko-russki slovar [Adigean-Russian Dictionary], Maikop, 1991.

Leksicheskaya i slovoobrazovatelnaya sinonimika v adigeiskom yazike [Lexical and Word-forming Synonyms in the Adigean Language], Maikop, 1992.

Adige-Wiris Gwshi’alh. Adigeisko-russki slovar [Adigean-Russian Dictionary], Maikop, 1994.

Wedezhdeqwe (Vodozdokov), H. (Ch.) D. (ed.), Wiris-Adige Gwshi’alh [Russian-Adigean Dictionary], The Adigean Science and Research Institute of Language, Literature and History, Moscow: State Press of Foreign and National Dictionaries, 1960. [1098 pages, about 33000 words]

Zefes, A., Tariyx’ Lhepqsch’enighe Gwshi’alh [Historical and Ethnographical [Dictionary], Maikop, 1998.





Černý, V. A., ‘Derivation of Circassian Wordstock’, in Asian and African Languages, 300, pp 78-106.  {Dissertationes Orientales, 34, 1974, p. 209}

Dumézil, G., ‘Quelques termes religieux des langues caucasiennes du Nord-Ouest’, in Revue de l’Histoire des Religions, Paris, 123, 1941, pp 63-70.

Kuipers, A. H., A Dictionary of Proto-Circassian Roots, Lisse, Netherlands: The Peter de Ridder Press, 1975.

Peacock, ‘Original Vocabularies of Five West Caucasian Languages’, in Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, vol. 19, 1887.

Shagirov (Shaghir), A. K., Ètimologicheskiy slovar adigskikh (cherkesskikh) yazikov, 1&2 [Etymological Dictionary of the Circassian Languages, 1&2], Moscow: Nauka, 1977. Online. Available HTTP: <http://www.circassianlibrary.org/library.php?lang=en&mn=1&sbmn=1> (accessed 2 September 2007).

Sjögren, A. J., ‘Rapport sur un ouvrage manuscrit intitulé: “Slovar Russko-Cherkesskii”. St. Pétersbourg, 1848’, in Bulletin Historico-Philologique de l’Académie des Sciences, tome 4, pp 165-76.

Slovar Russko-Cherkesskii [Russian-Circassian Dictionary], a manuscript in St. Petersburg, Russia, 1848.

Starostin, S. A., ‘Kulturnaya leksika v obshche-severno-kavkazskom slovarnom fonde [Cultural Lexics in the Common North Caucasian Lexical Fond]’, in Drevnyaya Anatoliya [Ancient Anatolia], 1985, pp 74-94.

Starostin, S. A. and Nikolaev, S. L., North Caucasian Etymological Dictionary, Moscow, 1994.

Troubetzkoy, N. S., ‘Remarques sur quelques mots iraniens empruntés par les langues du Caucase septentrional’, in Mémoires de la Société de Linguistique de Paris, 22, 1922, pp 247 ff.


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