
      This is the page where I tell you how great I am and all the obstacles that I have overcome to achieve the illustrious position of newbie.That's right you heard it directly from the horse's mouth.This wonderful presentation was done by a beginner.This is really getting deep!I better try not to lose everyone and give you an idea of why I am so deranged. 
      The serious and somewhat personal story of  the dark side of my life can been seen at my personal site .I will use this page for a more current bio on my business experience and my new infatuation with this awesome machine called a computer. 
                                          The Business Side 
      My business career started after  a rather dubious career in doing nothing but jumping from job to job with nothing left but welfare. My wife and I fell to the  bottom with no money or possessions.We started a small furniture refinishing  shop in the  basement of our rented apartment.I knew nothing about antiques but decided to buy what we thought was old furniture at garage sales. It would take a book to document that learning experience but ignorance was definitely in my corner.We actually started to make enough money that our assistance was taken away and we were on our own.To give you a reference of our financial wife came to me one day and said she heard of a building for rent that would cost $50 a month and I replied .......have you lost your mind,where will we get that kind of money!The rest is history and at one time we had two stores with over 70,000 sq. ft but have now settled into a modest 15,000 sq. ft. store with sales in the .......lets just say we came a long way baby.  
                                                    PC's and ME 
    This part of my story is only nine months old and I have definitely found a challenge that I will never overcome. My first couple of months was just clicking on every link within reach. Then I got into the voice phones and talked to people all over the world, just totally long distance. I then started collecting sounds and .gifs until I found my new love, making web sites and graphics. I have five sites up...... not the greatest but a work in progress.I will be glad to help all other newbies and I have some experience in MS Publisher,Web 3-D,PSP,Composer ,Pixel 3-D ,Graphic Workshop,WS-FTP 95 le and I am starting on Gif Construction. bye                                                                                   

My Sites: 

    Free 3-D 


Eureka Central 

Free Pages at Geo 


My Pic  
My Family  
Geo Links: 
 Credit for xmass gif's goes toCeleste's Graphics