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 "Every good and perfect gift is from above.."  { James 1:17 } 

Kendall Jane Tien Sheung Gee










Our Wedding

Baby Gee

APRIL 2009 We celebrated our first Easter at home this year and I went on my first egg hunt...well, four actually. The first was at my friends' church, the second was at a friends' house, the third was at Sprouts (my favorite grocery store other than Trader Joes) and the fourth was at our favorite town park. I began selecting just one of each color egg for my basket, but once I realized there were treats inside quickly changed my strategy ;) At home we dyed eggs, but I squeezed one too hard with the tongs and it started to crack so I exclaimed "Oh no! It's hatching!" Mommy and Daddy just laughed. On Easter Sunday, our church had baby chicks and bunnies for the kids to hold and we made crafts that remind us of Jesus' dying on the cross and rising again. Another week, my playgroup went to a friends' horse farm where we met lots of horses and even a baby colt. Us kids even got to ride a gentle, old donkey. I've been anticipating this month for a while now because - I turned THREE! Mommy and Daddy threw a birthday party at home for me with a Butterflies & Ladybugs theme. Auntie Amanda & Uncle Ming and Aunt Tiffany & Uncle Matthew traveled to celebrate with us making my birthday extra special! Thanks to God, the weather was perfect that day. My friends and I played at the craft stations while everyone enjoyed a spring lunch buffet and cupcakes for dessert. My biggest birthday surprise came from Mommy and Daddy when they told me I was going to become a Big Sister soon! I took to the idea immediately and started asking all sorts of questions like "Can I hold the Baby when she comes out?" and "Can I help feed the Baby?" or "Can the Baby walk?" Can you tell I'm already excited?! They ask me whether I would want a brother or a sister, but my answer changes each time. At dinner, Mommy, Daddy and I take turns saying grace. I am pretty good at remembering to pray for Grandpa, Aunt Jodie and Cousin Kelsey every time, give thanks for our food of course, and now I pray for the baby in Mommy's tummy, too!
MARCH 2009 This month I started using the potty like a Big Girl and love choosing which Big Girl underwear I want to wear each day! Mommy says it makes her so happy when I use the potty, which makes me feel happy too. PoPo visited us for a couple of weeks. We took advantage of the nice weather and did so many outdoor things, including going to the Renaissance Festival, a Diamondbacks vs. TX Rangers spring training game and the Phoenix Zoo. It's so much fun when she comes - it's like I have a playmate around 24/7! Later in the month, we spent Spring Break with my cousins Paola, Kobe and Alessi in Denver. There I discovered that I really, really like the snow. I've touched snow before, but never really played in it. My cousin Alessi and I played hide and seek and made snow angels while my older cousins went skiing with Uncle Marcus and Daddy. Then, Aunt Alex and Mommy took us snow tubing and it was awesome! At first, Mommy and I went in a double tube, but then we figured out that we could connect to others and eventually we had four tubes joined together. I liked making snow angels so much that I try to make them in the sand at the playground back home. Mommy says it's not quite the same thing, but since I enjoy it I can do it anyways :) Can you believe that? I also went hiking with my cousins at the Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs and explored Boulder another day. The rest of our trip I just loved being and playing with my cousins - Paola and Kobe really watched out for me and Alessi and I are about the same size so we shared clothes. Also, they have the coolest basement - thanks for sharing all your toys!
FEBRUARY 2009 Besides the fun rides, my favorite part about Disneyland was meeting characters like Minnie Mouse, Winnie the Pooh, and Princess Belle. When I met Mickey Mouse, I was so excited I accidentally knocked him over! It was fun to spend our first day with my friend Phillip - it was the first visit for both of us! It was all so exciting I decided to skip my nap that day, but ended up conking out right before dinner. We went to California Adventure the second day and I managed to stay awake until right after dinner (I think the ice cream sundae helped ;) Ever since our trip to Disneyland, I've been enamored with Princesses (and keep asking when we're going to go back). Can you tell I'm wearing my sparkly princess skirt in this months picture? Some days I like to wear my crown around the house while I'm playing and occasionally will bring a crown for Mommy to wear too. If I could, I would wear a princess "gown" all day every day. I've started introducing myself as "Belle" to people I meet, but for some reason have to keep reminding Mommy to call me "Belle". One day, I told Mommy that "I am going to marry a Prince like Daddy."
JANUARY 2009 I started out this month still visiting Texas from the holidays. Mommy took a trip to Dallas, so I had lots of quality time with Po Po. I told my new friends Jackson and Avery "Welcome!" during our visit and also said "Welcome" when Uncle James and Auntie Karen visited us in Arizona. Creatively speaking, I'm enjoying making up new lyrics to some of my favorite tunes like "Farmer in the Dell", "B-I-N-G-O" and "Frere Jacques." Sometimes I just sing my words instead of saying them to make things more fun. Back home, I met the University of Arizona mascot, Wilbur, at a basketball game and believe it or not - wasn't afraid! Just in time for a very special trip, too. At the end of the month, Auntie Amanda took me to a place called Disneyland that I won't forget about for a very long time. Finally, my upper back molars arrived. I think I'm done growing teeth until my permanent teeth begin to arrive in a few years.
DECEMBER 2008 During advent, our family began another new tradition. We read a devotion each night and then place a new ornament on our tree that represents the Bible story we learned about. Since I really liked helping decorate our tree, I would make sure Mommy didn't forget! Because I really started to enjoy Christmas carols this year, Mommy and Daddy brought me to hear musicians playing them one evening at the Desert Botanical Gardens. The hand bell choir was my favorite. We enjoyed hot chocolate and saw glass sculptures in so many beautiful colors. Daddy, Mommy and I were thankful to spend the Christmas holidays with family and friends in Texas again. Of course, I was so happy to see Grandpa and Lola and meet my cousin, Paige, for the first time, too. We did lots of special things during our visit like celebrate Auntie Amandas birthday for the second year in a row at one of my favorite places - Fogo de Chao! Aunt Tiffany took me ice skating at Discovery Green in downtown Houston (I really wanted to go after I saw ice skaters twirling and gliding at the Galleria). And Po Po brought me to the Rockettes Christmas Spectacular with lots of singers, dancers and Santa, of course!
NOVEMBER 2008 Some of the books I've been enjoying recently include Chicka Chicka Boom, Boom (Aunt Tiffany's favorite), Bill in a China Shop (Mommy loves this one) and If You Give a Pig a Pancake. The balance beam and trampoline are two of my favorite activities during gymnastics class and I'm still working on doing a full somersault. I've also been practicing counting my fingers and toes with some help from my Po Po who visited us for Thanksgiving. Besides the turkey (which weighted almost as much as me :), I loved the pumpkin-pecan pie, of course! Mommy, Aunt Amanda and Aunt Tiffany helped me decorate my first gingerbread house. It's our new family tradition. I learned how to play board games with Uncle Ming and we all made ornaments and trimmed our tree to help prepare for the Christmas season!
OCTOBER 2008 My month started off with a visit from my Gong Gong and Auntie Amanda. Can you believe I got to see Auntie Amanda again? By the end of the year we'll have seen each other 18 out of the last 19 months. That's definitely some sort of a record. At school, we've been learning that "God is good to us" from Psalm 73:1. I also took my first school picture. I enjoy making art projects and singing in music class. Daddy usually says grace before our meals, but one night I reached for their hands, closed my eyes and began loudly "Dear God. Thank you for this day. Thank you for Mommy, Daddy and Kendall. Please keep us safe so we can eat this food. Amen." Jacob and Aunt Peggy came to visit us again so we all went to the pumpkin patch together. I took my search very seriously looking for a long time before I found just the right pumpkin to take home. Daddy tried to help me find a good one, but they just weren't what I was looking for. Jacob found his right away. I told Mommy the part I enjoyed the most was riding the horse-drawn wagon. This year I dressed as Princess Pea (from the PBS Kids show Super Why!) who is a superhero with the power to spell. She loves to dance and eat peas like I do. Even though it was my first time to go trick or treating, I got the hang of it pretty quick ;) When I saw Daddy in his costume I didn't recognize him and asked "what's your name?"
SEPTEMBER 2008 During our visit to see Auntie Amanda in Los Angeles, we spent a lot of time outdoors. I played at the beach, met a walking stick, touched lizards and a snake, brushed a goat and rode little trains. We even picnicked and listened to live music under the stars. Back home after the monsoons arrive, it become butterfly season. That means there are butterflies in our garden every day! Mommy and Daddy took me to the Butterfly Festival to learn about their life cycle and see so many dancing on flowers. I even made a paper one to bring home and add to the butterflies in my bedroom. This month both of my bottom second molars quietly arrived. I've really been making more observations about the world around me. One day after leaving the grocery store I saw a giant black beetle turned upside down kicking his legs. Mommy said he was stuck, so I said "he needs his mommy." Another day, I was looking at the mail and spelled then read "C-O-S-T-C-O, Costco!" Ok, ok I may not be reading on my own just yet, but it's still one of my favorite things to do with Mommy and Daddy.
AUGUST 2008 I'm not just doing a lot of talking these days, I also love to sing songs like "This Is The Day", "God Is So Good" and "You Are My Sunshine" mostly in the car or at home. I've also been into reciting nursery rhymes like the "Itsy-Bitsy Spider" and "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star." This month, Uncle Ming and Auntie Amanda made a spontaneous trip to see us after Uncle Ming's graduation so I got a lot of practice asking "Will you play with me Auntie Amanda?" My Grandpa & Lola also came to visit and play with me -- Lola says I'm 2 going on 20. During their stay we visited a candy factory where I had my first taste of pure candy. It was worth the wait! I showed them how much I like to climb, run and jump - let's just say I'm not afraid of heights ;) The biggest change for me this month was that I started school - I was so eager to check out my new friends and classroom on my first day that Mommy, Daddy AND my teacher Ms. Dee each had to ask me to give goodbye kisses. Once I did, I told Mommy and Daddy that they could leave. When Mommy came to pick me up, Ms. Dee told her I was a "good eater and had great verbal skills" :) I do like to practice where ever we go. When Mommy and I are out running errands I like to talk to and meet new people and ask them "what's your name?", "how is your day?" and "where do you live?" (because I know people who live in many different states.) This time of year is called monsoon season in our part of the country. That means it's usually cloudy and may rain in the afternoons which Mommy likes. Mommy said my creativity and imagination are growing every day -- one day I told her I saw a whale in the clouds and she said she saw it too!
JULY 2008 One of my favorite things to do now is to bake cakes, muffins and pies for Mommy, Daddy and my wooden trains. They can get a little rowdy sometimes so I have to remind them to take turns and say excuse me (they even need a little "time out" from time to time.) My trains, I mean :) I also like to sing "Happy Birthday" to them. I love selecting my bows, barretts, clips and headbands. I chose this months picture hair accessory all by myself and usually like to make sure they "match" what ever outfit I'm wearing that day. Daddy really likes to put my hair half-up or in a twist and brush it for me, too. This July 4th, Auntie Amanda joined us at my friend Jacob's house. That weekend, Mommy and Daddy discovered that I talk in my sleep. One night they heard me shouting "Play puzzles! Play puzzles!" and another night "Play Play-Doh!, Play Play-Doh!" They thought it was pretty funny because when ever they ask me what I dreamed about my answer is always "Bo-Puppers." This month, Mommy and I took a trip to Texas and it was a whirlwind tour. We visited with family all around the state - like Uncle Tommy & Aunt Jessie, Uncle Peter & Aunt Alice, Uncle Stephen & Aunt Jenny, Uncle Russell and my Tai Ma - and some friends, too. I also met several brand new babies in Austin and jumped right back into the swing of things with Kelsey, Caleb, Tyler and Kara - singing Ring Around the Rosie and playing with their toys. We saw longhorn cattle and explored gardens with Aunt Tiffany, Matthew and Sheri in Fort Worth. Too bad my cousins Tyler and Elizabeth were out of town while we were visiting Dallas. In Houston, I enjoyed serving tea and playing with trains at Grandpa and Lola's house and baking up treats for everyone in my kitchen at Po Po's. One night, we all enjoyed a picnic and saw the Disney musical "When You Wish" at Miller Outdoor Theater. My favorite song of the evening was "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious." Can you say that five times fast? -- I'm still working on it. The last night of our trip, Po Po took me to my very first Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus experience. I was so excited I couldn't stop talking about Bello the Clown! Mommy thought that the real clowns might scare me, but they didn't -- they were so fun to watch! The live characters that terrify me (so far) are Santa, the Easter Bunny and the Chick-fil-A Cow. Anyway, seeing all the acrobats, horses, elephants and tigers was soooo exhilarating.....I fell asleep at the very end :) So, Grandpa carried me to the car where I woke up and whispered to everyone "I had fun" right before falling back asleep.
JUNE 2008 I've been doing more "Big Girl" things recently like sleeping on a Big Girl bed in my room and sitting in a booster seat at the table. I'm also "reading" some simple books cover-to-cover! The first one I ever "read" was My Car by Byron Barton. Interesting choice, huh? Mommy and Daddy were surprised too and so proud of me :) Daddy and I have a standing tee time when he gets home from work. He tries to teach me the "right" way to hold the golf club, but I can make contact pretty well already. We've been going on Daddy-Daughter Dates when Mommy has book club or Bible study. Sometimes we go out for ice cream or a special breakfast, but we always talk about our day or what I've been doing. He's the best. I also finished my swimming lessons this month. Mommy said she was very proud of me because this year I could paddle my arms, jump into the pool, monkey crawl along the wall and was brave enough to put my whole face in the water and blow bubbles. Lately, I've been really interested in learning about the planets of our solar system. So when Po Po came to visit, I got to stay up late one night to see Saturn and the moon through a big telescope! Po Po also went with me to my Gymboree Music, Art and Play classes and then one weekend -- I had Po Po all to myself! My Aunties Amanda and Tiffany also came to celebrate Po Po's Sweet Sixteen with us. We went to the beach in Mexico -- I loved playing in the sand and beachcombing for seashells and little crabs. We also celebrated with Hummingbird Cake.  Mmmmm, I get SO excited when I see cake and say things like "Oh, wow! I love it! It's so delicious!" Last year we celebrated Auntie Amanda's birthday with Ultimate Coconut Cake and Red Velvet Cake for Daddy's birthday. YUM!!
APRIL-MAY 2008 My update this month is a little longer than usual because it includes the whole month of May since Mommy is changing things up a bit. This year we celebrated my 2nd Birthday TWO times! The first time was in Texas (a special thank you to Auntie Amanda for flying in just to celebrate with me and to Uncle Alex, Uncle Byron and Auntie Je for driving into town too!) The second time was at home where Mommy made me special birthday whole wheat chocolate chip waffles with bananas, strawberries and maple syrup (Daddy calls it "liquid gold") for breakfast -- with a #2 candle on top...YUM! They were so good I ate TWO of them :) Lately, I've been hosting tea parties for Mommy, Bo and Puppers almost every afternoon. I try to be a gracious host and offer scones, cake and refills along with cream and sugar to my guests. I really enjoy helping around the house more now that I am bigger and stronger. I like to help Mommy by carrying in light shopping bags from the car, "vacuuming" the floor, watering our herb and tomato plants and loading the dryer with clothes from the washer. Now I know the names of all our herbs: basil, rosemary, thyme, mint and green onion. It's fun to pick off the leaves and smell the different scents. Now that I'm mostly speaking in 3-5 word sentences, it's even easier to express what I want. Ever since our trip to China, I've been wanting to use chopsticks to eat Asian food like Mommy and Daddy and now I finally can! For Mothers Day, we took Mommy out for a sushi dinner and I ate the whole meal using only my chopsticks. Mommy thought I was just playing at first, but then I started to spear my food with the chopsticks and didn't pick up my fork again for the rest of the meal. Speaking of food, I had my first taste of S'mores on our camping trip with my friend Sean. Mommy said I would like them and boy was she right :) Sleeping in a tent was exciting for me too! Finally this month, I attended my first crawfish boil and they were so tasty. At my 2 year old check-up I weighed 26 lbs. and measured 34 inches tall. Oh and by the way, you can see my second year slideshow here.