Wazeau's Favorite Authors and Book Sites

Amazon.com They love me at Amazon.com - I spend way too much money there :)
Merriam-Webster If you love words, you'll like this site - not just an online dictionary but a great place to spend some time exploring words and the stories behind them.
Stephen King Stephen King Fan Page

Stephen King's "The Stand"

All about the movie based on my favorite King novel.

The Green Mile

Here you'll find the latest on King's chapbook, and the current screen saver based on the book.

Anne Rice The Anne Rice Dust Jacket Photo Gallery

Dave Ellis claims to be Anne's Greatest Fan! He has some great pictures and lots of links. Don't fail to check out "Season's Greetings from Anne Rice"!

Clive Barker The Books of Cyber-Blood

Unofficial Clive Barker web page. Includes a link to the Clive Barker Quote of the Week. (Plus I love the animated "mail me".)

Unofficial Clive Barker Home Page

The site also offers short stories and poems by internet denizens.

Peter Straub Peter Straub's Official Home Page

Includes his on-line interviews, information on his new books, and lots of links.

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Modified October 1, 1998