My Page of COOL Stuff

Howdy! I was running out of room on my index page for all of the cool things I wanted to do, so I made a page just for all of the stuff that wouldn't fit. It won't have much in it for the first couple of weeks, but bear with me,I'll fill it in time. (In fact, at the rate I'm going, I'll probably need two pages in a couple of months.)

Cool Suff You Need To Know About

The Green Ribbon of Zondervan Publishing promotes responsible free speech on the internet. Visit their site and help support their campain by getting your own ribbon and spreading the word!

Visit the World Headqurters of Netaholics Anonymous

The World Headquarters of Netaholics Anonymous is a great place to recieve a little comic releif after a hard day of surfing the net. Sit back, relax, and repeat after me: "My name is __, and I'm a netaholic."

The "Veggie Tales" video series is mind-boggling. Not only are they animated completely by computer, the videos are wholesome, entertaining, and down-right hilarious! Follow the link above to go to great "Veggie Tales" links and find out more about the series. These videos are not just for ages 3-8!!!

"Adopt-A-Fluff" is a great way to make friends. It is run by Joanne Hastie, a girl who really knows her stuff with HTML, and who is now offering a Fluff Ring. Get a Fluff and join the ring today!

If you aren't a member of GeoCities yet, make it a point to join today. Their service is the best and it's absolutely FREE!!! All you need is a computer with Internet access and an e-mail address. You don't even need to know a speck of HTML. (I started out that way, and look at me now!)

The T.W.I.N.K.I.E.S Project and
Bunny Survival Tests

Both of these pages are hilarious scientific experiment spoofs that I guarrantee will keep you highly entertained. Basically, they have the same theme, but experiment subjects differ. (Don't worry; "Bunny" refers to those little marshmallow bunnys you see around Easter)


Ned took a job working in Canada's
far frozen north. "Here's your
emergency survival kit," said his boss.
"It contains a box of flares, a radio,
and a deck of cards."
"What are the cards for?" asked Ned.
"In case the flares don't work, and the
radio freezes up," replied the boss,
just take out the cards and play solitare.
In about ten seconds , someone will
tap you on the shoulder and say, 'Put the
red nine on the black ten.'"

Check this page often; like I said earlier, it's bound to grow too big to be contained on one page!

[Nahoika's web Page] [More About Me] [The VeggieTales Fan Club] [Checker's Cool Guinea Pig Page] [My Awards]