MY Philosophy

My Philosophy

or at least some deep thoughts about
the way we are today!


Ms.Analysis believes that many elements are essential for a healthy society. Ms-Analysis believes that love, acceptance, tolerance and understanding are some of the most important values needed today. Ms-Analysis intends to try to provide some of that here. Ms-Analysis believes that to get must give respect.

Let's face it though, this is the the 90's. These are the days when drive by shootings and children with guns no longer shock us. We are quickly becoming a society that is desensitized to domestic violence, neighbors killing neighbors and home grown terrorists. We need to validate each others hopes, dreams, desires, needs and fears in order to better understand and accept each other. Only through understanding can we reach tolerance. We must realize there are things that you can change and things that change you......forever! This page is dedicated to those who find themselves with no one to listen and feel that no one cares. Ms-Analysis will be here for you. This is a place to share your troubles and know that they will be heard. If we give each other a chance to release the tension and really listen, perhaps we will learn something about ourselves in the process.


Ms-Analysis believes that we can sometimes take ourselves too seriously. We agonize over our problems while laughing at someone else's misfortune. How else can you explain the success of "Americans Funniest Home Videos"? Occasionally, we need to be reminded that in the big scheme of things....somethings just aren't worth sweating over! The reality is.......some times you get the elevator and sometimes you get the shaft! If you currently find yourself in a precariously humorous situation, feel free to share that. You can also share your anecdotal history....or that of a friend. Ms-Analysis promises, if she publishes your submission on this page, the names will be changed to protect the innocent and the guilty! So, if laughter is the best medicine, Ms-Analysis will "prescibe" it for you!


Open and honest communication is so important to maintaining a good relationship, whether it be with with your children, friends, relatives, bosses or lovers. Nothing moves forward without it. We must continue to express ourselves to each other in order to better understand why we do what we do.

Computers and the internet have changed how we can and do communicate with each other drastically. One of the recent changes involves the use of internet phone software and chat programs to increase our ability to stay in touch with those we know and love. It encourages us to keep current with old friendships and forge new ones....all over the world! It affords us the opportunity to expand our minds while opening our hearts!

Instead of just surfing the net alone...why not find someone else to share it with? Try "chatting" with someone today!

If Cyberspace really is the "Final Frontier" then
The Future is Now!! Don't be left behind!!
Enjoy It!!

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