
Moses was born in a barn in August or September 1997 and was the only survivor of Tasmin's last litter. We were gone when he was born and he was several weeks old before we ever saw him and his brother. We didn't see him again until Tasmin was killed and he appeared crying under our van one rainy night. It took considerable coaxing to get our hands on him but once we got him inside the house he seemed to have no desire to go back outside so he became our Baby Moses.

Moses started traveling with us in January 1998 and has been at home in our van ever since. He has decided that one of his main jobs is to make sure that the driver of the van does not fall asleep. While driving down the highway at night you can rest assured that periodically the fur shark will give you a little nip on the elbow to make sure you are awake. If one is wide awake when Moses decides to do this you can feel his hot breath on your elbow right before he nips and if you say "Moses, don't you do that" then he knows you are awake and doesn't bother to chomp.

Moses is also the family camera ham. He loves to pose for photographs and feels that he is the only member of the family photogenic enough to have his picture taken. When he discovers me taking photos of any other subject, he insinuates himself between the camera and the subject and poses very prettily as if to say "I am ready for my close-up, Mr. DeMille."

Moses is the next to the oldest of our kitties but he will always be our "Baby Moses". Even though he is often a devil cat and a fur shark like his mother, he is also my marshmallow, snuggle cat. I can't think of anything much sweeter than when I am sitting at my computer and Moses decides he needs snuggles. He walks up to my chair and stands up and reaches up and touches my arm with his big soft paw. I then lean back in the chair so he can jump up in my lap and crawl up on my chest and shoulder. He will then stay there purring and snuggling against my neck until he has had all the snuggles that he wants. This can be anywhere from a few minutes to more than an hour. During his snuggle time I am suppose to support his hindquarters so he can lay on my shoulder and if I won't do this he will not lay in my lap but will leave in a huff.

We hope to have Moses as part of our family much longer than we had his mother.

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