Homepage friends

This is a page that introduces you to the many friends I have met on the internet. Not only in WBS Genealogy Chat, but ICQ and just emailing someone because I liked their page. Each person is special in their own way and has different interest listed on their pages. I will try to give a brief description that does their pages justice.

I will first start with my Heartland neighbor 4081 (I am 4080), Barah, Her page has a lot of Scottish, Irish, Swedish and Czech/Bohemian Genealogy along with her beautiful flowers in Barbara's Garden.

Then I will go alphabetically to Bos'n Mate. For those who didn't know Waddie Salmon passed away several years ago but his memory lives on as his web page is still active. A great genealogy place to search. Now there is a special page that I am really fond of on Waddies's page, "Bos'n Mate's - you need a smile page" Everyone needs to go to this page for a little humor.

Carasel (Robin) was the first "family" contact I made in WBS Genealogy Chat that was researching the same line. Well at least it was my husbands line. It was very exciting and what a special person to have as a friend.

Santalady's page is filled with Santa wonder. Along with her genealogy search she makes the most beautiful Santas. She is a wonderfully talented lady , please check out her page.

Bill's favorite genealogy sites not only has a great list of genealogy sites to search but has a list of many of the WBS Genealogy Chat friend's homepages. I could list so many more chat friends but I am going to be lazy and let Bill do that for me.