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Money Saving Tips!

How to save a bundle!

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Have you ever read one of those articles printed in magazines on people who save a fortune using coupons and think how can I do that? Well, I'm going to give you the secrets that I use. On average, between store and manufacture coupons, I save between $30 and $40, sometimes more. How do I do it you ask? I'm going to tell you.

First, get 2 Sunday papers instead of one that way you have double the amount of coupons. If your family is like mine, you go through alot of cereal so the extra coupons always help. Don't let the coupons stack up, clip them out on Sunday evening--it will only take at most, 15 minutes. Then put them away in your coupon caddie. It is very important to get this habit down. For my coupon caddie, I use a 3 x 5 index card file using dividers I made myself out of posterboard. I find my file to be more useful to me than storebought ones because it has only sections I use.

Next, keep up with store coupons. Alot of store mail out coupon books. Here in California (and elsewhere?), many of the coupon books have been replaced by grocery store cards. These cards are great because it saves the hassle of also cutting out store coupons and many of the stores allow you to shop to the limit each time you use the card.

Now, the first key to getting the most out of your coupons and cards is of course to bring them to the store. After a few weeks of shopping with coupons it will become such a habit that you feel wierd paying full price for items.

Remember there are 2 types of coupons, Store coupons and manufacture coupons. These can be used together on the same item. You are allowed one manufacture coupon and one store coupon per item and this is really the key to saving the most money. Here is an example of high I buy Cereal for between 99 cents and $1.49 each week. The local grocery store has, for example, Corn Pops on sale for $1.99 with a store coupon or grocery card. In addition to the store coupon, I use my $1.00 manufacture coupon to get the Corn Pops for 99 cents. You can do this with any items. The savings really add up. You can also use 2 coupons on buy one get one free items on grocery cards or store coupons because technically you are buying 2 items. Recently, my local grocery store had Captain Crunch cereal on sale buy one get one free for $3.59. I then used 2 70 cent coupons I had to save an additional $1.40.

Another way to save money is to register at Valupage. Here you put in your zip code and local stores that are participating in their program are listed. What happens is it takes you to a list of offers that you print out and bring to the store. When you buy one of the items on the list, a web buck will print out at the store. A Web buck is basically like store funny money and can be used on any item. Also, be sure to check if your local supermarket has a web site. Some of the supermarkets have a coupon you can only get on the internet to print out.

Another great site for coupons is Upons. I love this site because each week you can go and pick out the manufacture coupons that you want mailed to you. The site is easy to load and read and the coupons arrive in your mailbox within a week.

I recently learned of another good way to save money. Use those coupons that grocery shopper services such as Peapod send out. Peapod recently had a $20 off a grocery order coupon in our newspaper that required only a $20 minimum delivery. I ordered $20 in groceries which were delivered for $4.95. So basically I saved $15 plus had the groceries delivered to my door!

I sure hope the above information is helpful. If you have any information you think I should add to this page, just e-mail me!

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This website created Feb 20, 1997.

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