Awards From me....
There is 3 reasons for giving my awards: great sites deserve  recognition, to bring traffic to my site.
Rules are simple: no adult stuff.
I may come to your site and award you one too, you never know.. Sign the guest book I try to visit all page sites.
You can request any of them I will look and then decide.
Heart Felt Award #1
For warm hearted pages... that are in no way hinting about adult items..
Award.Date. Here!!!
For Ice Crystal Award #2
Cold as space... Clear as crystals to understand and must keep me interested.
Award of Excellence #3
This award is for Home made graphics only that the owner of the web site has made or has requested to have made. Very hard to get...
Award Date Here
Little Devil Award #4
This one is for the devious made sites. It has to be cleaver and fun. And keep ME interested.
Spooky Site Award #5
This is awarded to the sight that scares the bageebas out of me...
Award Date Here
 Excellant #6
This is for the site that has EVERYTHING and is constantly on the go.... meaning something is always moving...
Award Date Here
 Royal Christmas Award #7
For the Best of the Best Christmas Site around. VERY hard to earn.. Everything Must be working. Must be alot of things to look at too.
Date of Award
Safe Site Award: #8
Is given to the site the is dedicated to children only. In the best interests of children and they life on the net as well as in real life.
Date of Award
If you feel you are ready to apply see below form...
Application Form
With the following information:
There is a reason to read carefully anything on a site... I require ALL THE INFORMATION...
(Hint: no Signing,voting, no Award)
I believe my sites are worth all three.. of the above statements.
Your (Guestbook) date of entry must be the same day of signing guest book..( BELOW)
I will reply within a few days of receiving your request Via Email..
NOTE: Please apply only once: in a weeks time, takes me time to answer
If you make changes let me know, so I can update my records
Note: push the send button only ONCE. It will send very fast and then show this page again.
Also you must fill out the application as required in order to receive this award.. So please follow the directions carefully..

User name:

Real name:

Email Address:

Homepage Title:

Homepage URL:

Do you give out awards?

Which award are you applying for?
Heart Felt
Ice Crystal
Award Of Excellence
Little Devil
Spooky Site
Royal Christmas
Safe Site
None of these

Why do you want to win this award? (20 words or less):


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