The Patchwork Pub

Making your way in the world today,
takes everything you've got.
Taking a break from all your worries, Sure would help a lot.
"Wouldn't you like to get away?"

As in the sitcom "Cheers", the members of Patchwork have a place we go,when we need a little "kick back and relax time" or when one or more of us just needs to "get away" from the daily stressors that we have all come to know and accept as a part of Motherhood.

It is the "Patchwork Pub" : )

You can get to the Pub, just by wishing (out loud) for it to be opened!!! Any member has the key to unlock the door! We haven't quite decided on a definite locale yet, but wherever it is surely spectacular!

The members of Patchwork usually get there with a cyber "ROAD TRIP!!" Renee starts out on the West Coast, picks up Glenda, then Dawn, then Steph, then they come across (blasting tunes) and pick up Pam, traveling up the East Coast to get Melissa, then back down towards the South to pick up Leeann and Deb, continuing on down to Louisiana to get Kimi and then off to Florida to get Donna, Karrie and Chris!!

Then it's off to the PUB!!

Upon entering the Pub, you are swept away with a sense of can feel the strength, support, and friendship that the locals of Patchwork provide for each other. Each member of Patchwork is there with their big shoulders for others to lean on and cry on, eager ears for listening, reflective faces that show care and concern and, of course, their big hearts. There's a magical glow from the old stone fireplace and plenty of big comfy chairs, each with quilts tossed over the back. All of the quilts are as individual and unique as the members of Patchwork.

Life at the Pub is a true reflection of Patchwork and the wonderful people there..... Friendly, a little wild and crazy at times, but always welcoming. You should make it a point to stop there at least once in your lifetime....although, I will tell you, it is one place that once you've been, you will never want to leave. So come on in, we'll save a comfy chair by the fire for you.!! : )

"Sometimes you want to go, where everybody knows your name.
And they're always glad you came.
You wanna be where you can see, troubles are all the same.
You wanna be where Everybody knows your name."

VISIT OUR COMEDY REVIEW - Some hilarious Patchwork member moments!

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