PEG'S 2nd Plastic Canvas PAGE

Peg's Pattern in Progress! :)
Materials needed: 1 sheet any color 7 mesh plastic canvas. I used clear.
Varigated or solid color yarn to match the canvas or to your liking.
One sheet of fairly thick plastic (but still able to see through) - I got mine off of a gift box of socks.
Directions: Cut out pieces as shown.
Stitch your own design on all of the side pieces. I am using a long continental stitch (less stitching this way). Leave one of the long base sides unstitched. The bottom base and the lid sides can be stitched as well. Leave the top lid unstitched until further instructions come down!

*NEW* added 6/1/98

This is side 3 (or the unstitched one). Stitch the side leaving the heart unstitched. Complete the heart "hole" with the overcast stitch. Stitch the side on to the rest of the box, and then sew on the bottom. When completed, take a small square piece of the plastic (enough to cover the heart), and glue it to the back side of the heart (so that the plastic is on the inside of the box (and on the back of the stitching)). After the glue has dried, you can fill the box with colorful candy or potpouri to give as a gift or to set on your desk. The lid can now be completed in the same way. You may choose to make a solid lid, or another heart done the same way as above. If you want to put potpouri in it, you could leave the plastic off of the lid heart and allow the scent to escape. As soon as I get time, I will post the next set of instructions!! Thanks for being patient!!

This is why I am calling this a work in progress, as I design it, I will add what needs done next (if anything). Any questions, email me. I am sorry that I don't have a finished picture, but I am not finished with it yet!

*NEW* added 2/26/99
I am so sorry that it has taken so long to add anything, but with our move, I have lost (actually misplaced) several items. One is this whole pattern box. I hope to follow my own directions and make a new one and print out a picture as to what it is supposed to look like! Thanks for your patients, and happy stitching!!

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