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Ellen's Page

Ellen is a wonderful four year old little girl. She is an awesome friend and daughter and big sister. She is very empathetic and loves other people. She has a great sense of humor and enjoys making people laugh.

Favorite Foods, Etc.

She loves grapes, macaroni and cheese, and watermelon. She also loves candy, but she rarely has candy since we try to avoid it as much as possible. Oh, and she loves ice cream. She likes pizza and spaghetti, too. And carrots and corn on the cob and toast with butter on it. She also loves cow's milk (and mommy milk, too, but she doesn't nurse very much any more).

She used to like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, but she doesn't like peanut butter anymore. She used to like cheddar cheese, but she doesn't anymore.

She has never liked toasted cheese sandwiches, tuna fish, or olives. She only likes chicken if it's "chicken on a bone"--a chicken leg, that is.

I've finally come to realize that she is a tad picky when it comes to food, but we don't make a big deal about it. She is always willing to at least taste new food. And she is so sweet. . . she tries to eat some food that I make even if she doesn't like it so I won't feel bad. But there are always blueberries and toast (honestly, she loves toast!) for her to eat if she doesn't like the rest of dinner. Oh, yeah, that is another of her favorite foods: blueberries!

Sometimes I wonder if she gets enough of the right kind of food, but she's healthy and happy, so I think she must be getting the nutrients she needs. :)

Ellen's Drawings

Smiley Face Aug. 18, 2000 (made with Adobe Image Ready)

Two Moons, Two Shovels, and One Flower July 27, 2000

Ellen, Mommy, and Smileyface July 27, 2000

House, Pipes, Smileyface, Flower, Sprinkler, Snow, Birds in a Frame July 28, 2000

When Ellen was Three Years Old

You can listen to the song Shine, Jesus, Shine if you would like.

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