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Birth Story of Karl Andreas: 8-4-97

I'd been suffering heartburn at night for over a month and had been eating my main meal at noon and then just little bland things at night. On Aug. 3 (actually early the 4th), around 12:30 AM I found I was very hungry. I'd had troubles with that once before, where I had gone all night hungry, afraid to eat due to the heartburn. I decided to eat a bland breakfast type meal, and had a banana and some tea and toast. I'm so glad I did that! I finally went to bed about one, and as soon as I was there noticed that I was contracting, as usual, and they were crampy, as they had been for awhile, but this time they hurt in my back. I timed them as I had half-heartedly been doing for a week, and this time they stayed six minutes apart. I kept getting up to use the toilet, hoping for some plug or anything, but none came, so I was sure it was a warmup (again).

The fourth was my original due date, from the ovulation chart, but the ultrasound had said the fifth so I'd gone with that. I knew that I never deliver on my due date, so figured nothing would happen. I tried to sleep, but the crampy contractions in my back continued all night long. I finally fell asleep with exhaustion around 3:30 AM and woke up around five, aware that the contractions had continued. They didn't seem any stronger, and I was still not having any mucus or anything interesting. I tried to sleep, but couldn't.

I finally got up about 6:30 AM and ate breakfast, another smart thing to do! I called my friend Holly at 7 to tell her that I thought maybe things were kind of starting and who knew but maybe someday. She thought "today" and told me so, because she knows my labors are pokey and strange. Once I got up, in fact, the contractions seemed easier because I couldn't feel the back labor as much, and they got further apart. I took a shower, and they didn't feel like much in there, but they didn't go away, either. My children started getting up and my husband got up, and I told them I thought maybe something was going on, but I wasn't sure. Meanwhile, everything continued on, every six minutes or so. I thought it would end any time and I could go back to bed.

At shortly after 8:30 AM, I called Leslie, my midwife. I told her that it was impossible for me to be in labor, but I thought maybe she'd better come that morning instead of that afternoon as she had planned. She was much more excited than I was. I just can never believe my body because it is so slow. This is how all my labors go, but I never believe them! I walked around, showered again, told the family to clean up the house because I wanted to save my energy (again a smart move) and next thing I knew it was about ten and Leslie was here. I sent Mark off to get some Powerade. The smartest thing I did I think was have Powerade ice cubes waiting. They tasted good all the way through, didn't nauseate me and gave me a pick me up.

By the time Mark returned, in record time!!, Leslie had examined me. She couldn't find the dilation at first because my cervix, which is uncooperative most of the time, was very posterior and to the left of my body. I wasn't too happy about that! I was "thinning" and was five centimeters dilated. I still hadn't lost any plug, although from about seven AM on, after already being in labor six hours, I had several bouts of loose bowels. The baby was still way up at a -2 station. It was encouraging to know I was dilating, but very discouraging to have the baby so high and be more dilated on one side, etc. Mark and I decided to do what we usually do in labor, and that is walk. We walked all over our property and up and down the long driveway. I kept having contractions in a certain spot, in the shade. It was a warm day and usually I would panic because I get so hot in labor, but this time I enjoyed the heat. We called that spot our Contraction Spot. My back hurt so much and my hips were hurting, the pain was shooting down them. The baby was posterior and I couldn't get him to budge. I was worried about him and about me. I kept trying to turn him. We got in the house and I tried all fours, but that hurt too much, so I started leaning over the counter during contractions and had Mark crunch his fists into my back. That felt great! The best was a hot shower, though. At about 12:40, I had Leslie check me again. I was still 5-6 cm and mostly on the left side. I decided I was exhausted and wanted to go lie down on my right side to see what that would do. I went into Laura's bed (my ten year old daughter) with my two year old, Teresa. Teresa got bored and left, but I dozed off and kind of slept for over an hour. I counted at least 12 contractions during that time, but did get some rest. When I got up, I was hungry, so had some crackers and some powerade ice. I was afraid to eat anything else at that point. I went outside and sat in the sun in my lawn chair. That felt so good! I sat there for two hours, soaking in the rays, which acted as a natural analgesic, chatting with the midwife and her assistants. They were Sharon, who acted as her assistant, and Bedelia, who filmed and really acted as a doula for me. Bedelia was on top of everything, meeting most of my needs before I said them. Sharon was the strong silent background person who anticipated all of Leslie's needs and helped me as well. The three of them and Mark, my husband, completed a circle with me of five people who wanted a strong, healthy birthing. It was wonderful. I think just sitting in the sun, rubbing my belly and telling baby to turn please, chatting, etc was a great thing to do. The sun kind of numbed the pain, it relaxed me, and I felt stronger despite almost no sleep. I also called Holly again to update her and ask her to pray for me. She prayed strongly with me and then promised to have her whole family, all 13 of them, praying. I'm glad they were!

About four, Leslie said I was starting to burn and I was feeling like I was about into transition. I would rather have stayed out but she refused to let me get a sunburn. So I reluctantly got up and went in. I didn't want to, I'll tell you! I probably would have delivered out there had they let me! Once in, we examined me again. I was 6 cm! I was so discouraged at this point, looking at the clock and figuring I'd be having an Aug 5 baby instead and knowing I was too tired to do that. I also had pushing left, which is the hardest part for me, and Leslie wanted me to do the "not push", just breathe the baby out. Leslie suggested I get in the bathtub, so Mark poured a very hot bath. Ahhh, after nine months of no baths because I get urinary tract infections while pregnant, I stepped into that tub and understood immediately why no one ever wants to get out! The contractions were much more managable in the tub and I started to think that maybe I was just going to stop labor altogether. Then suddenly, a change! It was about five. I felt "pushy" during them. I got out of the tub, put on the shirt I was to wear, and tried different positions again to relieve the back and hip pain. All fours was horrible for me, though all I've talked to love it. I really liked standing best, and even tried a couple of mild pushes in that position about 5:30 PM. I wanted to have the baby that way, but I just thought I shouldn't, it would make it too fast. So far, things had been relaxed and slow, even though they were painful and tiring. Leslie checked me and I was about 9 cm with a cervical "lip" which is what I always do. The baby was high, about a -1 station, but I was ready to start the delivery phase and she decided to let me.

We got the supplies ready. Mine were a bowl of icy water for my face and hot ginger water for perineal compresses. She had everything else out. We sent four of my children to the shop, where there are three rooms, a tv, etc. Laura, my ten year old, had the goodie bag to entertain her two and four year old sibs, Teresa and Glenn. She did a great job. Alex, 12, helped her out some, too. I told her to call Grandma if she really needed her but otherwise don't. My mother is a nice person and all but doesn't know a thing about childbirth and gets very nervous, making me nervous. I was hoping Laura could manage. Derrick, my oldest at 13, had the camera and was in the hall waiting to be called in at the crowning. Susanna, my seven year old, had been coached and was in her room coloring, across the hall, also waiting. I feel badly for what they had to hear.

OK, I was a wimp! Baby was posterior, big head, high, my hips hurt, my back hurt, I was exhausted and I really did not want to push the baby out. I had labored and I just wanted him in my arms. I told Leslie this, about a hundred times. She was so sweet, just would say things like, "That's fine, you don't have to push." Bedelia kept telling me how great I was, which wasn't true but was soothing, just to hear the soothing voice. She was taping and rubbing my foot. Normally I don't like to be touched in labor but when she asked about it I realized I wanted her to and asked her to continue. My back hurt so much but I wanted the Lazy C position. Between contractions I was lucid and fairly normal (and apologetic!) but during them the only way I could breathe and not push much was to complain! I told Leslie to get a forceps, I told Mark if he loved me he'd kill me, I told everyone I didn't want to do this at all, just wanted the baby right now please Leslie, no more! Every other pushing contraction was milder and I was able to breathe through them quietly, but then the next would be very very strong and I would try hard but end up pushing two or three times. I kept putting my fingers up inside and the progress of the baby's head was slow. On the other hand, we could feel hair, so that made it more real. I wanted that baby, just right now, not later. Finally, I had enough. I have to do this to birth. I just purple pushed for all I was worth and I knew I was doing it when they said, calmly, "Wow, look at that progress." Another push, not so calmly, 'WOW look at that progress!" and then another and I felt burning. No one called the children so I shouted, "Get the kids NOW!" then kept pushing. Ouch, how it burned, that head just took forever to birth. Then Leslie told me I'd birthed the head. I was so out of it, it seems like a dream, but I reached down and touched my sweet baby's head and just shrieked in joy and relief. Then another contraction, well that's easier, I thought. The head is out! But nothing, I felt burning again, but no progress. Another push, Leslie said, for all you are worth, please, let's get the baby out! I pushed for all I was worth. Nothing again. Leslie said, very sweetly, "Stop pushing and breath." She was working away. I saw her taking the clamps and scissors. She said, still very calmly, "I need to cut the cord now." Mark started to freak out and asked her what was up. She told us the cord was twice around the neck. She cut fairly quickly and was immediately spurted with cord blood. Then she told me to birth my baby now please. I pushed and pushed and those shoulders burned like a head but still wouldn't come, so she told me to squat. I got up but couldn't manage much so Mark got behind me. It was so cool, kind of like he was birthing with me. He supported me up and squatting is wonderful (unsolicited opinion). It did everything to open me up and I birthed those big shoulders, then grabbed my baby and delivered him to my belly, his on mine. No one could see the sex. While I was lifting his leg for Susanna to see and announce, "A boy!" then she said, "Hi Karl!" as she had planned, Leslie was rather busily massaging him. She said, still sweetly, "Reba, it is time to massage this baby. Let's get him started." So I started, and she wanted more vigorous massage. I heard a little peep from him, but she wanted more, so we worked until poor Karl finally gave out a cry. The relief was everywhere in the room. Mark jumped over the bed, got the oxygen and used it, then collapsed on the bed in tears of worry and relief. It was beautiful to know that he cares that much about our seventh child.

Then everything changed from the worry and work to the relief and excitement. Karl's APGAR scores weren't too good. He only got a five at one minute, and an 8 at five minutes. I'd wrapped him in a few blankets but he was bare tummy to mine. I finally lifted the blankets and stared at my beautiful son. I told Leslie, "This baby isn't small." She hadn't really looked, too busy working on him, and she looked and said, "You're right!" I didn't think about it anymore then. My placenta took an hour to expel. I took two doses of basil and had Karl nurse a lot. I tried on the toilet but didn't like it, so went to the bed and finally about 7:30 expelled it. Birth time had been 6:28. I seem to take longer each time to get rid of it. Meanwhile, though, we were all enjoying the special awake quiet hour with Karl. The children wandered in and out. Laura had called my mom about ten minutes before he was born, so she arrived shortly after. Laura had told her not to get in an accident on the way! Andreas was my mother's grandfather, so she was thrilled when she realized we'd named him Karl Andreas.

We ordered pizza and a party atmosphere took over. Laura made a cake, we all munched down and celebrated. Bedelia continued to film and got fantastic first hours baby stuff on there. Derrick snapped a lot of photos. Then, about two hours after the birthing, we all gathered to weigh and measure him. Mark put him on the scale, his eyes grew huge and he said, "Leslie, you weigh him!" She looked and it really did say ten pounds! He was 22" long, and his head was 15 and a quarter inches, and so was his chest. No wonder!!! We'd all guessed and the prizes were waiting. Derrick had long ago guessed a boy July 31 weighing ten pounds, so he was the closest, only off four days on the date. He was so proud of himself! Mark won for the date, had guessed Aug 5th and Glenn and Alex split the last prize for guessing a boy.

The midwife left around 9 I think, and her helpers with her. We all just settled slowly down and hunkered in for the night. Karl slept like a dream, waking at 1:30 AM just like he always did inside! I had to stare at him a couple of hours before going back to sleep. Leslie returned the 5th in the evening, and did footprints and checked me. I'd had a first degree tear that had just closed back in on itself so she didn't stitch and when she checked the 5th it seemed great to her so she left it. It hasn't caused me any pain. In fact, after a rather painful labor, the recovery has been great. I have to make myself stay down because I feel good, so far anyway.

It was a wonderful labor and birth. Very painful compared to my others, but so relaxed and slow and just filled with peace and love. I'm so thrilled that I was able to do this at home, at my pace, doing what I wanted. And best of all, we have our sweet Karl to hold and love!

Copyright 1997
Used by permission of author

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