Troop 704

Thinking Day Ceremony

Make big letters (one per page - T,H,I,N,K,I,N,G,D,A,Y) that your girls can hold up as they recite the lines associated with them. I created these letters with a print program on the computer. They were normal page size and I put a border around them. The lines were pasted on the back so that the girls could read them.

Today we are celebrating Thinking Day to remember Girl Scouts and Girl Guides the world over. We will do this by telling the meaning of Thinking Day through it's letters.

(Girls say letter parts while holding up the letters)

T - Thinking Day is celebrated February 22nd. This is the birthday of Lady and Lord Baden-Powell who organized and did so much for the Girl Guide and Boy Scout movements in England and the world over.

H - He, Lord Baden-Powell, founded Boy Scouts in 1907. At a boys' rally in 1909 girls appeared who were very interested in the movement. They wanted to be included.

I - In 1909 as a result of the Boy Scout rally, Lord and Lady Baden-Powell founded the Girl Guides of England. Out of this grew our own Girl Scouts founded March 12, 1912 by Juliette Low.

N - Nothing went very smoothly at first. Small companies were formed that did mostly drills and badges. Then in 1913 the first Girl Scout handbook was published, It was titled How Girls Can Help Their Country.

K - Kind thoughts were expressed for all member of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS). This organization was charted in 1928 and is now over 100 countries strong.

I - International Council was founded in 1928. This helped bind the Guides closer together. They have done many worthwhile things. Their greatest service was given to hospitals and telegraph offices.

N - No one can ever forget Juliette Low, the founder of Girl Scouts here in America. She had lived in England and had developed an interest in the Girl Guides while there. She was a good friend of Lord and Lady Baden-Powell.

G - Great was this U.S. organization started in Savannah, Georgia. Mrs. Low's main wish was to have an international conference in the United States. In May 1926, at Camp Edith Macy in New York, representatives from more than two dozen different countries came for this conference.

D - Day by day this movement started by Lord and Lady Baden-Powell and Juliette Low has increased, not only ins size but also in its activities. Even though girls from different countries wear uniforms of different colors and styles, their interests and activities are very similar.

A - And let us remember that the word "friendship" means a great deal to all. "International friendship" means even more.

Y - You are a part of this, so let us join hands in a friendship circle with wishes for all that is good for all Girl Guides and Girl Scouts the world over.

What's it spell?

Girls response:
Thinking Day

Leader or Girl:
Please form a friendship circle and we will sing the song Make New Friends and end the ceremony with a friendship squeeze.

Note: You can start this ceremony with a flag ceremony if you wish.


Page last updated 2/19/99
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