Girl Scout Troop 704

Elbow Tag

Divide into pairs and have each player link an elbow with her partner, keeping her outside elbow bent and outside hand on her waist.

You need one volunteer to be "It" and another to be the runner.

The person who is "It" tries to tag the runner, of course, but here's the twist: The runner can avoid being tagged by linking an elbow with the free elbow of any member of any pair on the playing field.
When she does, she shouts, "Go!" and the other member of the pair must take off as the new runner, hotly pursued by the person who is "It".

If the runner is tagged, she's "It", and her nemesis becomes the new runner.

All players should act as referees to make sure that runners do take advantage of the link-up feature of Elbow Tag.

There is a lot of room for variation in this game. The pairs can be arranged in a circle or placed randomly around the field. Partners can face the same direction or opposite directions, in swing-your-partner style. The person who is "It", as well as the runner, can be allowed to rest by linking an elbow with a pair and releasing a new player to be "It".

We got this game from:
Andrew Fluegelman, (More New Games)

This is a GREAT game, and our girls just LOVE it!!!


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