Girl Scout Troop 704

Pumpkin Pins

Materials Needed
Yarn - orange and green (for pumpkin pins)
Or you can use any color and make these into little creatures.
Wiggle eyes
Tacky Glue (Aleene's for example)
Pin back
metal ring (we used the split type that are used for key rings or leather work - we used the smaller size)

Picture of completed project follows directions

1. Cut twenty 5 inch lengths from orange yarn (I use way more than 20 because with 20 it wasn't full enough - if you have real fluffy wide yarn it would be but otherwise it is not)

2. Cut four 8 inch lengths from green yarn.

3. Tie the orange yarn to the ring using a lark's head knot. Make sure you tie them on the ring all in the same way.

4. For stem, tie green yarn to the ring in the same way.

5. Tie the green yarn together in a bundle with a length of green yearn (I feel this is optional).

6. To shape the pumpkin and stem, trim ends of yarn.

7. For eyes, glue two wiggle eyes close together at the base of the stem on front of pin.

8. Glue pin back to base of stem on back of pin.

9. Let dry.

This is quick and easy - we made these in multi colored yarn and gave them as swaps to other troops.

Note: How to make a Lark's head knot in case you are not sure. I'll try to describe it. It's just a simple little knot. Fold the yarn in half and place through ring. (if you pulled both ends [looped and open] the ring would be in the middle). Now take the open end of the yarn and tuck it under the looped end of the yarn and pull tight.

I hope that doesn't confuse you - it's the best way I can describe it.

Picture of finished project:

Page last updated 4/8/99
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