Christa Meyers - AKA - Unista

This page is dedicated to our
dear internet friend and personal
friend Unista (Christa) she was one
of my first friends here on the net
always there for us all. She suffered
with pain and sick for some time then
picked up a sinus infection and was put
in the hospital for this then on
September 29/98 at approx. 5 AM she went
into respatory arrest and they were unable
to revive her. At the age of 26 Christa left
for her new journey to a free life from
her pain and suffering. As she also suffered
from a brittle bone desease as well

Her leaving us was one very unexpected
loss to us all from a sinus infection to
a road to her new Journey

The Premature Journey

Today there is much sadness
Many tears from our own loss
As our loved one leaves for her new journey
One we did not want her to take

I sit and cry I feel so robbed
Each passing moment I now have
Turning hoping it's her walking in
Or it will be her voice I hear next

I sit in disbelief this is a nightmare
One I am wanting to end and all be well
Feeling chills knowing I am not asleep
As I cry with sadness so unfair this is

My selfishness sets in it begins to show
The anger coming out I don't understand
One so young how could this be true
I look for blame but there is no blame

I look up with my tear filled eyes
Saying to her I know you are happy
No more pain will you ever feel again
Nor will your heart ever be broke by another

I know you will always be here with us
You have just taken the next journey
You have gone ahead of us all today
Our Hearts and Souls will always be joined

All I ask Christa is a little from you today
Watch over us all here you are my angel
Lead me down the right path of life
And please save me a seat right next to you

I Love you Christa You will always be with me
Sleep with the Angels my friend you will be safe

Christa Always signed off on ICQ and on the phone
with the phrase Sleep With The Angels!!!!


When I come to the end of the road
And the sun has set for me
I want no tears or gloome-filled room
Why cry for a soul set free

Miss me a little - but not to long
An not with your head bowed low
Remember the love that we all shared

Miss me - but let me go

For this is a journey we all must take
And each must go alone
It's all part of the Masters Plan
A step on the road to home
When we are lonely and sick at heart
See family and friends we know

Miss Me - But Let Me Go

Heavens chain

Standing in the fresh crisp night
air I can feel the cool breeze against
my face and a small chill in my heart.
My mind flows back to the memories of
lost one I have loved and cherished
some faces I see more clearer than
others yet not diminished in my mind.
I breath deeply and know that I stand
on earth between heaven and hell and
the eternal question of why calls to
my mind.

My eyes begin to smile and my heart begins
to warm inside as I look into the bright
stars above. The laughter and the love of
my lost ones come to me and I can hear them
and the joy we shared.
Do I greave that they have left me ? no for
they never leave inside of me because we are
all apart of heavens chain. Those I love have
not left me but have gone before me to the
arms of god and feel his love and peace in
thier souls.

My journey in life continues not without them
but they stand beside as we are all joined
by heavens chain. I turned from the stary
night and walk on in peace for I know they
are with me all the days I am here and will
rejoice in our meeting when we see each
other again.

In heavens chain we are linked eternally between
on earth and heaven it is the soul that gathers
us together. So as I walk on the words I hear
from them is "Cry not for my going" but rejoice
for we journey on into gods arms. I never walk
alone for I never am, they are always here.

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