I have met alot of wonderful people in my time on
the internet and many in person from around
the world. I want to thank each one that was
a part of my time and my heart while I was
here. So many great people here where to start
is my question to say all I want to say here

A message to each and everyone of you here !!!

Never give up on your hopes and dreams never
let something in your lifes take away your dreams
for your life. Never live back in time all this
does is stops your hopes for the future :-(

Always BELIEVE !!!! Never QUIT !!!! because if
you do then you will never have the happiness
and love you all so much deserver !!!! Pick up
move on and fight for what you want in life
Don't give up like I have so many times FIGHT
and dont let GO EVER!!! If you do you will
always lose those dreams and hopes you have

DON'T let people get the best of you belive me
when I say it really isn't worth it. All it does
is steal who you really are on the inside :-(

One thing I want each and everyone of you to remember is that this
journey for me here has not been as long as I hoped but at the end
of it I am one proud Kitten to of had the pleasure to know you all
and share so so many wonderful hours with each of you

I truely hope that in some way some how my time here made a difference
to at least one person. I hope that I have somehow done something to
help someone here I was here to help not to burden anyone and I really
hope I didn't do that to anyone. If I helped one person to a better
life then my time was worth being here even with the heartaches and
tears, to improve the life of one person is more then worth it all

Some of you have been the best of friends
to me and you have filled my Heart and
life with happiness because you stood
by me thru the good and thru the bad
thats what i call the best of friends
Thank you all for touching my life
the way you have here

These are not in any special order what so
ever they all have a special place in my
heart for their friendships to me

Things change people change and just disappear
unfortunetly the internet if full of these changes
I have taken this page down for now due to the fact
most I have come in contact with online are no longer
here makes it hard to write here when none are around
I will re-enter this page when my hearts filled again

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