Hi, my name is Chris. I work for the City Police Department. I have been on the job almost a year. I HATED my last job, so it is such a nice feeling to enjoy going to work.

I have been married for 8 years. We have 3 children. all girls. So being a Police Officer is going to come in handy when it comes time to date.

On my off time I enjoy football, much to my wife's dismay. My favorite team is the Dallas Cowboy's, since I am originally from Dallas.
I met my wife while I was in the army stationed at Ft. Polk, La. She moved in next door to me. It took me a while to get smart (she says) and marry her. A decision I have not regretted.
If you have any good police sites please be sure to e mail me and let me know about them.

Be sure to come back and visit me again.


Police Scanner Page, you can listen to New York, Dallas, and Los Angeles Police live. All you need is Real Player, which you can download from that page.

DeRidder Police Department, the place I work.

The Internet Police Officers Internet Diary

Good site to read stories from a 911 Dispatcher, check it out!

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