Let me tell you a bit about me. My name is Kelly.
I am a stay at home mom by choice.sahm.gif I am truly blessed to be able to stay at home and raise my children.

In my spare time I love to read and do crafts. My favoite authors are Lori Wick, June Masters Bacher and Terry Blackstock. I also enjoy books by John Grisham but usually I only read Christian Fiction. If you have any good book suggestions please feel free to e-mail them to me.
I love to cross stitch.

I love all crafts but I am not good at any of them.
I want to learn so many things.
My one dream was to learn to sew. Right before Christmas a very dear and BRAVE friend sat down and taught me to sew. Sometimes I still have to run over to her house in the middle of the night to get help. Thank you Nikki for teaching me how to do the one thing I really really wanted to do! If you have any craft ideas especially ones for children e mail them to me.

We homeschool our children. There are many reasons for our decision. I will try to explain some of them. First of all I know that homeschooling is not for everyone. I also don't believe that homeschooling is the "only way". I feel it is the best thing for my family. We go year by year. I cannot honestly say, "Yes, I will definitely homeschool my children next year." Things happen and situations change. We decided to homeschool because we want our children to be educated with Christian values. We felt like we could give them that. We always hated being confined to a "schedule." It was rush, rush to get them to school. Then rush, rush after school to get homework. Then eat dinner, go to bed. It was exhausting. We never got to see our children. Homeschooling is ideal for us and our schedule. We felt the learning benfits were great. We enjoy homeschooling but it is work. What about socialization you say? We are very involved in Girl Scouts.

I am a Brownie Troop leader as well as a Jr. co-leader. This school year I will start working part time as an In-school Coordinator. This will allow me to set my own hours and bring my children with me.



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