Hi, my name is Lauren. I am 10 years old and the oldest of three girls. I am in the 5th grade. I have been homeschooled since the 3rd grade. It's pretty cool being homeschooled because we are finished with school real early, if I do my work. Then I can do pretty much what I want the rest of the day. I love to read. Sometimes I read the same books as my mom. Usually I read them before she does. She is always asking me if this book or that book is any good.
I also like to cross stitch and do plastic canvas. I am learning how to cook so my mom lets me make lunch most days. The only rule is I have to clean up the mess.

I am a Jr. Girl Scout. jsban-a.gifI really love being involved in Girl Scouts. Last year we went to Astroworld, camping, and we even wrote, produced, and filmed a "talk show." I can't wait until Girl Scouts start this year.

I love the Backstreet Boys. My favorite song they sing is "I Want It That Way."
Please come back soon and visit me again. I will be adding more to my page as I can.

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