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Poetry By Suzi

This first poem, I wrote for my dad, after he passed away. I put my feeling into it, and I thought it was good for me. Then one day, 2 years later, several months ago, I saw this newspaper article for a poetry contest. It was the 2nd anniversary of my fathers death, and I went to the cemetery, alone, and to visit my sisters. Anyway, I entered online at this poem. And, guess what?? I am a semi-finalist, and could win $ 1,000.00. I am so excited about all of this. First of all, I never entered a poetry contest before, even though, thats what I write. Second, guess what else?? They are going to print my poem in a book, called, 'The Fullness of Time'. So, please enjoy my poem......


The sadness I feel is great
I can't get a grip on reality
The tears keep coming and don't wait
What will I do for eternity?

The best man in life is gone
I have memories to share
His body died, but his soul lives on
He will be in my thoughts, I care

He had energy and spunk and zest
My dad smiled, lived and died
How will I ever be the best?
My dad is gone and I cannot hide

I don't know how long I'll grieve?
Time they say, time heals all
My family is still very alive
I'll try to go on until Jesus calls

My Soul Mate

He is the man I married
He is the man I promised, forever
He is the man to whom I plead
He is the man I love, hate never

Without him, I would surely crumble
All my laughs are with him
When I cry, he does tend to stumble
When I need him, he would climb a limb

When I need a crutch, he gives me strength
When I need to be loved, he's all I have
When I need an ear, he listens at length
When I need a break, he's all I have

He is my soul mate, we were meant to be
He is my husband, I am his wife, we did vow
He is my best freind, forever, him and me
He is my rock, and I will love him, eternally

A Fire That Couldn't Be Burned

Love is something only two people can share

Love doesn't include an ownership

It includes much attention and respect

It can never make matters worse

Only liven them up a little

It does need boost and encouragement

But it should never be pushed

That is one thing that should never happen

Love lights a fire that couldn't be burned

Definition of Love

Everyone has thier own definition of love

I think that anyone can be in love, no matter what age

You can always be happy with love, you never should be sad

Love gives you strength and also leaves you weak

Some think its delightful, others may think its terrible

All people deep inside thier hearts enjoy being loved

And they also love loving someone else

Sometimes love is never found, but most of the time, it is

Forever And A Day

I love you baby, don't ever forget

I'll love you always, truely I will

No day will ever come when you're not on my mind

If that day ever comes, my love for you is not true

Don't fret my love, my life, because I'll love you always

Forever baby, and one whole day


Love is a splendid thing
You never know whats next
Time may be good, may be bad
But, they always work out

Everyone needs someone to love
Because thats the way life is
If it wasn't for love
Everyone would be sad

Because love makes you happy
And so full of life
I love that certain person
Because he makes me happy

The best thing is, he loves me back
Love isn't blind, it can see
The future for which it holds
Money will never buy that


Freedom means doing things your own way

Freedom means being your own person

Freedom means having happiness always

Freedom means you can go barefoot in the snow

Freedom means you can wear a turtleneck in the summer

Freedom means not calling your mate if you dont want to

Freedom means being with your friends not with your beau

Freedom means keeping secrets, if you want

Freedom is a word expressing love, which is everything


Daydreams are dreams when you are wide awake

Daydreams are wishes, dreams and fantacies

They fill your head with things to wish upon

Daydreaming is wanting something you don't have

Something you could have if you reach

Daydreams are fulfilling, they get me through

Through the day, wishing things of you

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