Yancey Mills, Yanceyville, Louisa County, Virginia

Library of Virginia image

Photo about 1936.

More detailed info about the Mill

A History of Louisa County, Virginia - By Malcolm Harris - page 438

The Yanceys were living in Louisa about 1742.   The records show that Robert Yancey was dead and his widow Temperance Yancey alive in 1746.

Charles Yancey lived at Yanceyville.   He and his sons organized Robert Yancey & Company, successful merchants, millers and distillers at Yanceyville about 1800.  David Yancey was a lawyer, and, from his will probably died at Kingston [Jamaica].  Neither he nor Robert was married [before passing away young]. Their property went to their sister's heirs, the Crawfords and Kimbroughs


(Robert Leighton Yancey [1770-1808] along with Father - original owners of Yancey Mills)
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Silhouette of David Yancey (1777-1807) brother of Robert Leighton Yancey
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